We are not alone....apparently


Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Lisbon, Portugal

It's amazing the number of "witnesses" they've managed to drag up to testify about UFOs. It's really quite sad that the man (in the video, I watched the first 10 mins then got bored) has thrown away an apparently great career as a surgeon to dedicate his life to this pointless quest :rolleyes:

I'm not denying that there have been some unexplained phenomena but ETs? Please! The likelihood that there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe is pretty high, almost certain in fact as the universe is just so damn big it would be beyond incredible if we were the only ones. However, it's extremely unlikely that:

a) they are close enough to be paying us regular visits.
b) they are intelligent enough to have invented some kind of beyond lightspeed travelling system that lets them get here from zillions of light years away.
c) even if they could do either of the above they'd know that we existed or give a toss about our insignificant little planet.

The balance of probability is just soooo far against any of this X-files stuff being true. If they do exist and have visited us then how is it that there isn't a single shred of irefutable evidence? Grainy b&w film of a painted saucepan lid hovering over someone's back garden don't cut it for me. Neither do the N number of airforce pilots who have all seen weird objects moving erratically in the sky. There are so many optical illusions that can happen up there. Even in passenger planes I've seen the shadow of the plane and its vapout trail cast onto distance clouds look amazingly like another object in the sky and it was pretty convincing until I worked out what it was!

going on the basis that the next nearest star to our own sun that seems to be large enough to support a system with a class M planet is guessed at being 200 light years away.
Now if the ET's on that planet our watching us we could pressume they may be useing a telescope not unlike our own earth type scopes. Therefor they would be watching earth as it was 200 years ago.
So they will think we all drive tuned up horse's, wear white wigs and enjoy civil unrest (OK last bit is still true)
SO, even if the did contact us the message is likely to be written in calligraphy style and start -"Dear Sires............"
Flying sauces old hat man, been done to death, eon's ago (Christ this a backwards culture) :( Inter dimensional travel, far easier and a lot less Cryogenic freezing involved too :rolleyes: )
besides little green men do exsist and it's been 100% double blind proved.
yes flying saucers exist,infact stonehenge is realy an intagaltic service station,rember sitting there early one morning with a fresh brew of mushroom tea when a flying saucer hovered over the stones,an alien got out and cycled off in search of a gallon or 2 of 4 star
how come the only footage of UFO's are real dodgy..? I mean there must be thousands of people who stare into the sky with powerful telescopes but they spot nothing...sigh...:rolleyes:
Not seen any MOself, and it's not the kind of thing you (well "I") can believe without seeing, but I don't dismiss the possibility.

Penance, i'm sure if they were able to build and use such devices, they'd also be able to realise the delay in what they see too.

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