What are the worst speakers you have heard

Wilson Alexandrias at the Montreal Audio Show about five years ago driven by over $100K worth of electronics. I've never heard a piano that big before. Anyone have room for a 30' wide piano in their living room? It was bad beyond belief.

Wilson's smaller speakers, especially the Sophia II are far better. Piano is only 15 feet across.


Avant-Garde horns are also really quite bad if set-up improperly.
This is the worst thread subject for ages, guaranteed to upset someone sooner or later! See post #5 for a taste of what's to come.....

You might be right, but do you find yourself looking to see if your own speakers are mentioned?

Its a bit like Russian Roulette isn't it?

Celestion SL6 closely followed by the LS3/5a. Just deadpan and lifeless.

Most recently the Usher S520 which the mags are raving about but I thought it sounded all tits and arse.
The worst I have heard are probably the sat and sub speakers on an ex's computer. My god, that horrid sound will haunt me forever!
The list is long...top of the list...
Fostex BLH, your imagination at the beginning, the hours of wood work, even more hours wondering how am I ever going to get it out of the house, and the other terrible speaker is Gordon Brown....