What is this? Logic DM101 TT on freecycle?

Sep 23, 2010
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I just picked this up off freecycle , I cant find much about them. It's very heavy and seems to be working although i've not had a chance to listen to it yet.
Anybody know anything about this TT and arm?
T5he goldring 1012gx seems to be a decent cartridge , was this an expensive deck then?





That brings back memories.
Certainly LP12/Gyro/Xerxes class when introduced
I have set this up with a wharfedale dual mono 2050a amp and a set of mission m72 speakers and it's sounding fantastic.
Ther arm is an ADC ALT-1 , I have not set it up properly and it is on a wobbly wooden floor upstairs and i've got a 1 year old baby sleeping in the next room so it's quiet but what a nice sound!
I cant believe my luck , this was free on freecycle!:D

I have an SME 3009 (improved I think) , would this deck be better off with the SME? Or is the ADC a decent tonearm?
The ADC's actually a very nice arm, and suits high compliance MM carts just dandy, like the Goldring you've got right now on it.

A keeper, imho.

Take some time to do all the adjustments neatly, as the massive platter is a bit tricky. A proper bounce and off you go!


Thank you, I shall set it up properly during the week and see how it goes , very impressed so far, although the missus has now insisted on 2 hours of desperate housewives. :(
if it has the centre spring under the bearing housing ...this can be twisted to centre up the sub chassis if it skew ..

I had one of these ..mkii ..just sounded so much better than the lp12 the superfi sales man was trying to flog ..with a more expensive arm and cart ..

its a great tt ..rather underated at the time of launch ..but then the press were biased !
Yeah it's got the centre spring, I still haven't had a chance to set it up yet, we live on a building site at the moment so things like HiFi's dont get out of the box much.
This week end, i've promised myself.
the three v springs that suport the edge of the sub chassis and allow height adjustment .....sit in little rubber cups just be careful as these are hard to find if they have perished ...

I think you can make some using o rings ......

if you bounce the plater ...it wants to have a nice lazy bounce that decays ...if there is any jerking or side way twist its normally the centre spring thats the culpret .

if you need any info on setup just pm .....

if you can get an after market electronic psu for it ..it will really sing .....
oh yes ..adc alt 1 is ok but a better arm will make a big difference ... I ran mine with a helius and then a logic datum s with big gains at each step up
Thanks , I guess it's along the same lines as my old Thorens to set up then, I live in a wonky old cottage with springy wooden floors so setting up a turntable can be quite a task, downstairs has solid floors but we are doing a lot of building work down there so it may be a while before I can do it all properly.
Thanks , I guess it's along the same lines as my old Thorens to set up then, I live in a wonky old cottage with springy wooden floors so setting up a turntable can be quite a task, downstairs has solid floors but we are doing a lot of building work down there so it may be a while before I can do it all properly.

It is quite a softly sprung deck and a wobbly floor won't be good for it.
Best use a wall shelf if foot fall is an issue.

Agree with Pete on the arm, it can benefit from something better but the ADC is decent with a MM cartridge.
My walls are wattle and daub, I would never get a shelf to stick to them. The sooner I get downstairs sorted the better.
Would my SME 3009 arm be better? Its a bit of a dinosaur now I guess.
Zanash how did you mount your Datum s? I just got hold of a Datum 2 and apparently it had a Linn type 3 point mounting collar which has been replaced with a threaded collar, did you use the 3 point Linn mount?
just spoted your vmessage ..

my sub chasis was drilled for most arms ..if I remember ..the datum s was fitted with the three bolts as you suggest .

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