What to do?

We found Rory one of those (plinius) for about £600 if I recall correctly.. (which was unusually cheap)

The hifi world review compared it to a baby Krell, and if youre looking for grunt Im sure its got plenty... Rory can probably tell you more.
i mailed them asking about it, also gave a list of 4 items i want to offload ( amp x 2, tapedeck and tonearm)
Ill see what they say. Noticed they offer a 1 week return policy aswell so seems fairly good for s/h kit.
But i may end up having to leave it for a while, my bank balance scared me:eek:
Penance, bottleneck is a bigger fan of the Emporium than I am. Before you buy anything make sure you have an agreement it will be sale or return. More power is probably what you need, but not any old more power. It's worth trying a few things to see what's best for you rather than simply buying on specs.

-- Ian
I agree SB, but funds wont allow me to buy new so if i do sort it ill be useing the s/h market. So that limits my SOR choice's.
I know buying on spec is daft, but if the price is OK then sometimes worth a shot (he says in hope:o )
That's where the charm comes in. The secondhand market's slow at the moment, dealers are finding it hard to shift things. You may be able to get SOR on secondhand gear with a bit of effort. If it was me, I wouldn't buy anything I couldn't hear at home first, even if that limits the choices. Unless it's dirt cheap or easy to on-sell, that is.

-- Ian
no argumant from me on that one. Im hopeing that emporium will be teased by my list of goodies to P/X. But i will be sure to check that they will allow a home trial.
If all else fails then ill have to wait untill funds are more fluid.
Ill look around other places aswell, but obviously buying s/h private offers even less comeback
From experience of dealing with him, Id expect him to be fine with a trade in, but not especially interested in taking 4-5 items against 1 - he's trying to reduce his lists.

Id reccomend selling the lower value items on e-bay and trading in those that you'd rather trade.

In the past he has sent me 4-5 items in a massive box.. and I kept the one I wanted and returned the rest. (paying just for return amtrak postage)- about £20.

Ian is right though, you have to agree the terms of sale with him in advance. If you dont, the product you buy is yours to keep.

good point about Ebay, i may put some stuff on there tonight.

Bit of a quandry with the 8000A, it needs some phono connectors replaceing, but i dont want to spend on it, i may well just sell for spares/repair
I think the shearne would probably raise the most as ive seen them go for ~£450 s/h from shops. I paid £200 for it
Ill try not to get excited about anything as i think by the time ive sold stuff on the stock will have changed.
Where are Emporium based? i couldnt see an address on the site
well then!!

now we're cooking. Trade the audiolab in for... £150?
sell the shearne on e-bay for £350-400...

plus your other bits gives you... £600 ish?

they are in diss, norfolk. really just a mail order place - a man with a huge shed and massive stocks. I have been there a couple of times, which is good if you want to listen to stuff while you're there.

Its no replacement for a home dem though
The Linn combo is a steal at that price. I got an LK1/2 pre power a while ago & put my system into another league. An LK1/2 went for £400 on epay last week. The Spark is a standalone PS for the LK2, which when they come up (rare!) go for £100 or so (i've been looking!). If you don't like it you'll make some £ when you sell it anyway!

They are old, but there is little to go wrong (I've got circuit diagrams & service manual if necessary!).

I'm almost tempted to get them myself & get that Spark as a freebie! But for the cashflow situation..
you know, thats why I really got pissed off with hifi choice forum...

it kinda goes like this over there....

1) ''Hey guys Im new to hifi what should I get for £250?''

2) everyone else.... ''get this or that budget amp from richer sounds''

3) me ...... '' get this second hand thing that would have cost over a grand and still sounds at that kind of level''

4) '' thanks everyone for your advice, Ive gone for the budget boom box from richers, model number 103012021 SE, limited edition model''

Generally, theyre not looking for advice, theyre asking you to back-up their buying decision and what theyve read in what hi-fi because theyre suffering from buyers remorse, or need a bit of confidence boosting pre-sale....

Rant over. bleedin eeejits.

:banghead: :banghead: