What would you do?

So far the consensus seems to be keep it.

Other factors:
1) I am going to parent's place over christmas, so it's not going to get fixed.
2) I am moving house after christmas so it's not going to get fixed.
3) I will have lots of things to do on the house so it's not going to get fixed.

Then, eventually it's a question of finding out what's wrong with it and fixing it. Easier said than done, and how many more times will it have to come apart to find out what's wrong? How many more times will I have to replace 9 output transistors because I didn't get it this time, at £22 and 4-6 hours work to replace them, not to mention the slow stripping of the through-hole plating of the circuit boards.

Frankly, I am still not of a mind to spend any more time on it.
When you put it like that there seems to be no reason for keeping it. However, as we've already said, you won't get much for a broken amp even one as good as yours. I do feel for you if that's any consolation.
I'd get a quote from the service agents then get it fixed when its more affordable, and borrow/beg something, or buy something cheap, to tide you over in the meantime.

Selling the whole lot off isn't something I'd advocate myself, I'd hate going back to a cheap mini system or whatever (and given my system is worse than yours, I expect you'd find it worse), apart from which some of your kit would be somewhat tricky to obtain again should you wish to get 'back on the ladder' at the same point some time in the future, which given how you said you were close to getting a sound that you really liked with your current setup I expect you might want to.

Anyway have a good Christmas and give it some proper thought when you're chilling out at home or whatever :)
If you're not in the mood right now, which is understandable, set it aside for better days. IMO you could consider this as your DIY challenge for 2005.

And remember, considering what you paid for the amp. in the first place, adding a couple hundred you still come out a winner.

What can you get that even comes close at that price ?

Cheer up and Merry Xmas
Well, a stand in has been provided.

My old RA-971mkII returns to the fold for now. As to the S300's fate, I'll decide next year sometime, unless someone comes up with a good offer.

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