What's the best small standmount

Right I think I may have found the answer:D

After a brief listen to a brand new, not run in pair, I have to say we may have found the ultimate small two way. Offering in performance in the mid and treble very reminicent of my Merlins, but in a standmount package.

For those interested, the bass is also pretty spectacular:D Forget the Special 25's, the speakers I had the pleasure to listen to were......

The Dynaudio Confidence C1.

Bloody superb, probably the most musical speaker to come from Dynaudio since the 2.8. These really did leave the others I have listened to for dead. sadly I don't have the facility to upload a picture for you, but trust me here , these appear to be spectacularly good;)
I'm sure I know something because I sure know this....

they are certainly 'interesting' looking speakers:eek:
The Contour range seem to have been aesthetically butchered in a similar way :(

I thought that Mission and esp. Dynaudio would have learnt by now that tweeters go on top, woofers below :D

Originally posted by michaelab
I thought that Mission and esp. Dynaudio would have learnt by now that tweeters go on top, woofers below :D

Not if you want proper time alignment on a non sloping baffle the don't Michael;)

Have to say, never been a great fan of previous Dynaudio standmounts, although I happily accept they are very good in many respects. It's just I'd heard more musical midrange from the likes of Proac, SF and my beloved Merlins.

The C1 however, has that midrange beauty, well done Dynaudio (it craps big time on wannabes like WB Arc, JM Lab Micro and 805S when it comes to music IMO)
Originally posted by merlin
Not if you want proper time alignment on a non sloping baffle the don't Michael;)
I can't see how the position of the tweeter in relation to the woofer can have any effect on time alignment on a non sloping baffle :confused:

Maybe you could enlighten us on just how much do you know about designing speakers and their crossovers? Or is
Dynaudio would have learnt by now that tweeters go on top, woofers below
just another of your wind up remarks.
If you do a search back this has all been discussed before re Mission speakers. Test Tone, TheMadHippy (or GTM if he posted here) could help you out.
The C1 however, has that midrange beauty, well done Dynaudio (it craps big time on wannabes like WB Arc, JM Lab Micro and 805S when it comes to music IMO)


Looks interesting. how much is it?
The Confidence C1 is priced at £3700 Neil:eek:

Having said that, the Micro is £3500 and all the other pretenders are between £2.5K and £3K.

What makes me laugh is that Dynaudio charge an extra 10% across the range for a special finish, say Birds Eye Maple. Now good value I say when looking at a Contour 5.4, but £370 quid for a couple of feet of veneer is a real piss take! Reckon I should find the most expensive possible finish, I know, Steinway Black;)

Lee, might I remind you that there are two Michaels on this thread:) I trust it is a question for Mr Lab;)
Lee - ouch! A little harsh back there weren't you? :D

I freely admit to knowing virtually nothing about speaker and crossover design but I think I know a little about the time alignment issues and can't see how tweeter above or below would really make much difference. The remark I made was basically a "wind up" though as indicated by the :D I'll try and find the discussion you mention...

Merlin (Michael P) the AB in my nick name are my last two initials. For some reason a lot of people think it means my name is Michael Lab :confused: :D

It's OK Michael,

Just that in the absence of further information, and to avoid confusion with my good self, I chose Mr Lab, as it reminded me of a white coated speaker designer from a children's cartoon series;)

No offence intended Sir, now would you like the history on your Teac:boughtMF:
Originally posted by Robbo

Yes I know. But at least the drive units would cost about £1200 if bought by them selves, which may go some way to explain the difference.
Cheers for that MO.

I can't recall if it says on that thread, but one reason to have the woofer above the tweeter is to raise it above the floor more than if it was mounted below. There will be less floor reinforcment and that will make designing the xover easier. A simpler xover will help make the time alignment easier. A 1st order xover has far fewer problems than a 3rd order.
Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
I have a pair of ns1000s for sale..they are very detailed, great imaging...good integrated bass...9ftx7ft room forces sale..

Data, did you notice the word "small" in the title:D

The coffee table is there to break up the reflection from the floor, which has very heavily attenuated HF due to the absorbtion of carpets and rugs. Thus it has a very different spectral balance to the direct sound and causes colouration.