I had a littke think today about which pair of speakers i started on and what i have now and ive actually upgraded my main speakers a staggering 9times!! Considering im only 20 and have only been into hifi for about 5years thats quite a few boxes!
Kenwood Class A mini system with
Kenwood speakers (very good fun at the time, nice coloured bouncy sound with boomy bass-loved it!)
Eltax Monitor V £180 rrp haggled at RS and got them for £90

Not bad apart from the low quality tweeter couldnt handle very high notes and crackled :newbie:
Mission 702e more controlled sound than the Eltax's...until the front baffle began to rattle-very flat and bland speakers overall...back then mission was a desirable brand to me, especially over Eltax!
Mission m73 although i eventually disliked these speakers, i was extremely happy with them to begin with. Bass appeared to go deep but it was just the boom and it really lacked mid bass thwack. Treble was also quite bright and midrange was recessed
Mission m71 I still rate these speakers highly now as 1 of the great small budget standmounts-fast, punchy and quite detailed- a snip at £60!
B&W 602 s3 My 1st serious speaker- Much Bigger in size and sound- treble did get harsh occasionally with rough recordings but for most it was extremely detailed and the bass was quite impressive. Plenty of headroom and well built. Did sound amazing with certain tracks. Must try some higher end B&W's in the future...
Mission m53 I was well impressed by these when i 1st got them and still am-bass does go extremely deep-not far off my Rel actually... Md range is smooth if slightly coloured but very listenable

and treble is not as detailed as the B&W's but also less harsh. Great for rock and dance music and has a fair stab at subtler stuff, i reckon these will sing in a bigger room.
Tannoy Sensys DC1 I absolutely love these speakers and it was unfortunate that they got damaged- sounded bloody good with the right music, really miss them. Treble is the best that i have ever heard thanks to the quality super stweeter- the level of extension and airiness was truly unmatched by any speakers i have owned including the JM labs ive replaced them with... Bass wasnt the strongest around but it was agile and vocals were crisp and natural. Paired with the Rel it made some very nice sounds. I am too skint to get them fixed at the moment but once i get some spare cash i will fix that tweeter and do some A/B comparison with the JM labs. ( any1 want to sponser a poor student so he can fix his speakers

Focal JM lab Electra 905 Mixed bag these, as they retailed for £1200 i dont think my kit is good enough for them but i am still quite happy with the results im getting at the moment. But obviously my kit is good enough if it can sing and sound better(in some areas) with the Tannoys? The most impressive attribute has to be the bass-to begin with it was a tad boomy but with some sand filling and careful positining it has become the punchiest bass ive achieved yet! Digs to around 35hz too which isnt bad for a standmount. Vocals do sound pretty good and i have been stunned by certain tracks recenlty as i have played around with them properly the last few days. The treble isnt quite as airy as the Tannoys but is refined and clean enough. Gonna treat them 2 a better amp when i start earning full time but i may well keep the tannoys and sell them once i get them fixed and do a proper test