I knew that Mr C. There is an argument that the aim is minimising the noise about the signal, and stands, cables etc can reduce signal or add noise, but as you imply we ought not to expect stands and cables to be a source of excitement! Though I confess that I do have a Mana 4 tier amp stand - the first s/h stand to come along at good price.
Julian, I like the simplicity. Give me more/better air!! Let those waves crash/lap over me and caress my soul ...
I've just been listening to Desert Island Discs on my tranny, and the excitement of those 8 comes across despite the limitations of technology. Must be my forgiving nature.
Its when we sit in critical listening mode that suspension of disbelief is so elusive.
As it happens, my dining room has much better accoustics that the living room, and the kit I relegate to the second system comes a very good second. It was when I first noticed that it sounded 'better' that upgraditis really kicked in.
The front end, especially with Ncode, does gives me timing, resolution and clarity. I'm now getting access to more bass, which seems to be 'fast bass' in speakers that, like the Electras, give good imaging; indeed the speakers are beginning to disappear - as I first experienced when listening to the Living Voice speakers at the Scottish HiFi Show.
I've home demo'd some digital amps and am impressed, but I also ought to act on advice and home demo some serious Class A poweramps - the JHL amps in particular, or maybe give the Sugdens a second chance, as I demo'd them three upgrades ago (Black Gates, Ncode, ES22s).
BUT, I suppose I really ought to investigate the room systematically, perhaps by investing in a Velo DD or a Tact RCS or better still by borrowing one or the other.
The listening room has to remain a living room but it has large curtains, large oriental rug, three big soft chairs - so I could sneak in good looking 'baffle' if I can discover where it is needed. Maybe there is a 'room doctor' I could call upon to come enjoy a bake-off in Edinburgh!