I've decided it's time I moved into the real world and got myself Broadband. After checking the BT website, I'm a long way from my local exchange so the max. speed I can get is 512Kpbs. As I live in a rented house (and move house fairly often), my requirements are : - No 12 month contract OR - No 'Moving House' charges - preferably no/low setup costs (free modem isn't essential as I'll probably buy one anyway (I've heard the free ones are generally cr*p) - no faster than 512Kbps required - I'd prefer to pay no more than £20 per month, but would pay more if it was worth it Zen Internet has been recommeded to me, but I don't like their £60 setup costs. Also, am I likely to experience any serious issues using broadband with my Celeron 400(!) laptop (I'll be building a PC in the near future to solve this problem!)