Having different tax bands does seem a flawed concept to me as, surely, the point of a percentage tax rate is that you pay more the more you earn which is sort of fair in some ways. Making people pay tax at an even higher rate because they earn more does seem very unfair and, as has been said, hardly encourages people to better themselves career wise.
I know some harp on about ability to pay but that concept doesn't always work i.e. the things you buy – cars, houses, food, drink aren't based on your ability to pay they cost the same for everyone.
Where there seems to be a big flaw is that we tax the really poor and then make them claim some money back via income support or whatever – why not just let them keep more or all of their money i.e. set the personal allowance to £10K – obviously this would let us all earn the first £10K of our wages tax free but you could set the actual tax rates to take account of this. The whole point though would be that people on low wages wouldn't have to go through the hassle of claiming income support etc. and the cost of administering this would disappear.
It should also be possible for a non-working spouse to pass his or her tax allowance on to the working partner. As it is, if you have a couple earning £25K each then they pay less tax than a family with the same income but where only one partner works.
I'm definitely of the opinion that you get better economic growth by letting people keep more of their income. Whilst some may save more, in general if people have more in their pockets then they will by more things and services and that helps the people making those goods or providing those services.
Yes indeed I believe in small government that, whilst looking after the genuinely needy, lets the people keep more of their own money so that they can decide what to spend it on. Unfortunately at the moment the present bunch seem dead set on taxing us to the hilt only to squander billions on woefully inefficient public services.
And don't let me even start on Stamp Duty….