I think where the problem lays is the word "job",i.e they are getting paid for it,a wage,which is where the church is IMHO wrong,they are "supposed" to follow the teachings of christ,and the bible,so would need to look at Jesus, and ask was it a job for him?did early christians get paid? I guess the answer is no,but the Church has made it a career where you go up the hierachy,you don't even have to believe(Bible),its just a job,money.So there lies the problem,the original idea has been changed by them ,like alot of other things,there commision say, is to teach the Bible,and that is all of it,not just the bits that suits them,clearly if they believed the bible,God forbids clearly homosexuality,meaning just that,not that these people should be treated different to others,look at the type of people Jesus preached freely too.There is your answer,being a Christian shouldn't be a Job,but a lifestyle,I think the history of the Church has alot to answer for,burning people at the stake for trying to read the Bible,witches,peadophiles,too many things that are contrary to the bible.
So I guess the simple answer to Isaacs question would be,working for a company is a job,no discripencies,like colour,religion,sexual orientation,where the church shouldn't be viewed as a job,and just teach to thoes who want to hear,free choice,what the bible says.IMHO.