Yet another bold claim...

Aye Aye Cap'n hoist the pishflaps and set sail for the manky wallopers, just south of the arsecrack peninsula, engage.

Andy was being sarcastic, good amp, but yer after better, crap null test or not, I don't have any nulls I use my ears to test amps, the one I like the best is the one I like the best, may be all that hot air in portugal makes amps sound different.
Ah the Null Test
So fat bird short skirt, mottled milk bottle legs, white shoes answers to the name of Tracy, can she walk in a straight line with white handbag over her arm bag of chips in the other and eating the black pudding from her supper, can she spell Mississippi backwards, no wait a minute thats the Hull test :)
Robbo said:
Nonsense, it null tests beautifully so therefore must be perfect.
To be fair, Andy's amp is not the same amp that BD has just bought (and null tested). Just because one Rotel null tests very well doesn't mean they all do necessarily.

Also, in defence of BD, he's not the kind of person you might find on some, ahem, other forums ;) who want to slag off expensive kit because they can't afford it and insecurely claim their budget kit is just as good. BD could afford (and has done) some VERY expensive amps.

As soon as he has a chance he's going to bring the Rotel to my place for a listen. I'm intrigued as to what it will sound like.

Also, in defence of the null test, I'd challenge anyone to find an amp that null tests well that doesn't sound bloody good. That's not to say that a good null test is a pre-requisite for sounding good but it's a very strong indicator IMO.

I've owned 1062, for the cash pretty fair good as anything upto £1k, almost grooves too, but as wiyth all things needs little attention, but at least he's on some musical ground now
still all aboard who's taging along, we don't want to caught in 'Null space'

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