Your favourite worst song

Originally posted by HenryT
Timbuck 3 - The Future's So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades) :cool:

Man - love that tune - reminds me of that old farty caretaker in Grange Hill running round with wire clippers, cutting the cables to the speakers, when the school radio station went on siege :)

Originally posted by HenryT
The Kids From Fame - High Fidelity

Never heard the whole song - but in the video it's the only time I've ever seen a bassist actually looking like they're enjoying playing their instrument, instead of standing at the back looking "hard" and bored!

Originally posted by HenryT
Urban Cookie Collective - The Key, The Secret (maybe one that should be added to the "old skool late 80s early 9-s thead" too, but maybe not as it was 1996 IIRC)

I thought that was 1995? Either way - remember dancing like a loon to it in the Shites (Washington Heights) - so it must be at least as old as 1995, 'cos they rebranded it RG1 (in homage to E20 in 'Enders I guess!) round early '96... The only good thing about that place was the 50p pint on student nights!
Thanks, Dom, for the inspiration for my choice:

Whitesnake - 'Still of the Night"

The video was a great excuse for David to show off his girlfriend - she was quite nice but I think he had better hair.
Whoa, some devistatingly bad songs there :MILD:

Anyway for my songs they would have to be (in no order)

Michael Bolton - Steel Bars
Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone
Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star

The top two define cheese, with a chedder topping.... ;)

Originally posted by domfjbrown
Never heard the whole song
I have a copy on vinyl if you want to come around and listen/borrow - it's on a compilation album NOT a Kid's From Fame album though I hasten to add - I'm not that sad! :D

Originally posted by domfjbrown
I thought that was 1995?
Could well have been. I don't have a copy of that track anywhere in my collection though, could do with one. :MILD:

Some of these tunes sound like my playlist for a Friday night. :D

Well there are many bad songs but one of my favourite bad songs in "Shaddap you Face" by Joe Dolce. A No. 1 hit in 1981

I liked it for keeping " Vienna" by Ultravox of the number one spot. A lot of people were up in arms about it.

He is still going to this day.

All together now

When I was a boy, just about-a eighth-a grade,
mama used to say, don't-a stay out late,
with the bad-a boys, always shoot-a pool,
gonna flunk-a school.

Boy, it make-a me sick, all the things I gotta do.
can't-a getta no kicks, always gotta follow rules,
boy, it make-a me sick, just-a make a lousy bucks,
I gotta feel like a fool. (and mama used to say:)

What'sa matta you, hey,
Gotta no respect, whatta you think you do,
Why you looka so sad?
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place,
Ah, Shaddap You Face.

Soon-a come-a day, gonna be-a big-a star,
Gonna make a movies, buy a nice-a car,
but still-a be myself, I'm-a never change a thing,
always dance and sing. ('cause I remember mama used to say:)

What'sa matta you, hey,
Gotta no respect, whatta you think you do,
Why you looka so sad?
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place,
Ah, Shaddap You Face.

(talking section)
"Hello, everybody, that's out there in radio and television land.
Did you know I had a bit hit song in Italy with this: 'Shaddap You Face'?
I sing this song and all my fans applaud, they clap their hands, that make me feel so good.
You ought to learn this song, It's really simple -
I sing: 'Whatsa Matta You?" You sing: 'Hey!"
, you sing the rest and at the end, we can all sing 'Ah, shaddap You Face!'
Ok Let's try it, really big -
Uno, Duo, Tre, Quatro:"

What'sa matta you, hey,
Gotta no respect, whatta you think you do,
Why you looka so sad?
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place,
Ah, Shaddap You Face.

(repeat as many times as possible!!!)

Originally posted by SCIDB
What'sa matta you, hey,
Gotta no respect, whatta you think you do,
Why you looka so sad?
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place,
Ah, Shaddap You Face.

(repeat as many times as possible!!!)


Then continue singing as you stumble home, shouting the "shaddap you face" line annoying the locals. It's not big, and it's not clever :P

How about adding the entire contents of this thread.....

Henry T's evil 80's thread!!!

Originally posted by Goomer
Thanks, Dom, for the inspiration for my choice:

Whitesnake - 'Still of the Night"

The video was a great excuse for David to show off his girlfriend - she was quite nice but I think he had better hair.

She was called ''Tawny Fox'' I seem to recall hahahahaha.

How utterly cheeseball bollocks is that?!?!

She probably looks like moth eaten tea bags now.
Originally posted by SCIDB
"Shaddap you Face" by Joe Dolce. A No. 1 hit in 1981
Somebody had to mention that one, didn't they? :D

Let me guess, I bet you've played these quite a lot at various parties in your DJing career Dean:

The Tweets - The Birdie Song
Blacklace - Agadoo

Originally posted by MO!
How about adding the entire contents of this thread.....

Henry T's evil 80's thread!!!
That was the most popular music thread ever so far on this forum... well, it had the most responses anyway, although might not have been so popular with some folk... :p
Anything by The Darkness. They're so cheesily bad they're good, apart from that Christmas single which wasn't good enough to even be labelled cheese.

Also, the whole of Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet and New Jersey albums, after that they seemed to try and be a little more serious about what they're doing and ended up being even worse. Another one I think I will add, although I'm not sure I actually like it, is the J Geils Band - Centrefold. Pure cheese drivetime classic. Tom Robinson's 2-4-6-8 Motorway can go in there as well. Saw him live the other week and he was superb.

Boston's More Than A Feeling has a place in this list too I'm sure. Van Halen's Jump as well, great band but that is quadruple mozarella at least and is best served up on toast with Worcester Sauce.
Everything I've heard from the Scissor Sisters so far!

Sound like they're doing for disco, what the Darkness have done for cock rock! Bit MOre of a MOdern twist than the Darkness's pretty much straight outta the cheese aproach ;)

I think they're going to be TOTP this friday.
Originally posted by HenryT
Doop - Doop
Thanks for ruining my life - I had successfully forgotten that one! Now the horror is re-awakened :eek:

Another one:

Theme From S-Express. It's crap but I love it :shame:
Originally posted by technobear
Thanks for ruining my life - I had successfully forgotten that one! Now the horror is re-awakened :eek:
Sorry Chris! :D I was only reminded of it myself because I heard it on the radio yesterday afternoon, although I do also have copy of it which I haven't played for a while on Now 27. A very gimmicky track, but still a good 'un - wonder what the original track they (Doop) sampled was...

Shall I rub things in a bit more by mentioning....

Freiheit - Keeping the Dream Alive

Originally posted by technobear
Theme From S-Express. It's crap but I love it :shame:

The actual album is fairly good too - got it for a quid after 12 years of searching :)

IS there a movie that this really IS the theme to?? No-one I know seems to know!

The Tweets should have been SHREDDED Tweets - bloody waste of master tape, vinyl and money.
most things by PWEI. - defcon 1, not now james we're busy, beaver patrol, greebo, can u dig it are the creme de la fromage though.
also jesus jones but i haven't heard any since about 1989 so i can't be sure...

Originally posted by domfjbrown
<re: Theme from S-Express> IS there a movie that this really IS the theme to?? No-one I know seems to know!
I thought it was a musical theatre production :confused:
Originally posted by HenryT
Freiheit - Keeping the Dream Alive
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :yikes: