still dreaming.......
Smooth and sleepy? Ahem! If you lived closer I would have you eating those words. My system is only smooth in the sense that it does not add harshness that was not present in the recording. As for sleepy? No, quite the reverse. I would have bought MF or NAD for that. No, no, no. The Arcam Alpha 9 can rock in some style and the Trichord just makes it even more rhythmic and groovin'. Sleepy
It,s amazing how this kit gets pidgeon holed .
Chris , you seem quite shocked that Bub would think that your arcam with a trichord and air plat is smooth and sleepy and then you suggest that you,d have MF or NAD .
I noticed the other day WM suggest an Mf dac for someone who wanted a smooth sound .

I use an MF a3.24 in my set up and I,m sorry smooth and sleepy it ain,t .I seem to recall when WM and Henry T heard my system they both said it was one of the fastest and most dynamic that they had heard which if you cosider the level of my gear ain,t bad going .