Sorry have been away and not able to contribute. The things that SOS advise to 'fix' room problems are in part about speaker placement but much more about understanding about the contribution that the room makes to the sound, for eample if two dimensions of a room are equal (as one poster here has) then you will have a problem with standing waves. Fixes do include things like base traps which need not be expensive and any more unsightly than a sub-woofer. Other tricks are to use a duvet pinned to various positons on walls to determine where to soak up sound and then to apply acoustic tiles where the duvet indicates. Typically this is on the opposite wall of the speakers. There are various things that you could do such as mount a number of acounstic tiles on a piece of MDF and cover it with an attractive piece of fabric to create a piece of art that also serves as a very effective room correcting device. This is the sort of thing that we need to be looking at first and foremost rather than reaching for the paving slabs yet there is little talk of it here. Is it lack of knowledge or a fear or making our rooms unsightly. There are products out there than are cost effective and look good or can be camoflaged.
what do you think?
what do you think?