Your local hi-fi store - Aldi

I recommend not upgrading the sky+ box as it invalidates your warranty. Just wait for the new Sky160 box.

The current 40gb versions havent been designed to take >40Gb - sure they will work, but for how long and with how many glitches?
Trust me, I know these things. //craig
But Sky+ 160 is £399 plus your monthly package deal which ain't that cheap unless you watch a lot of TV.
Another Sky+ upgrade guide, with pictures:

The main problem with the drive upgrades seems to be the heat produced, particularly with 7200rpm drives. The Sky+ cooling fan may kick in and make a bit more noise, and additional cooling may be advised to keep the noise down if it is a problem. I was under the impression that the firmware is the same for both Sky+ and Sky+160 boxes, so there's no problem controlling the drives.

Now that 48bit addressing is supported (for >137Gb), yes controlling and accessing the drive is no problem - lets just say that a small single platter 5400rpm drive has different needs to an aftermarket higher capacity drive, especially one with a higher spin speed.

Why risk the warranty whilst at the same time adding something which stresses the system further than it was designed to work?

Agreed - the new 160Gb version is prohibitivly expensive, but you know what Sky is like with their pricing policy - it will probably come down in the not too distant future.
Sainsburys were doing Mico DVD recorders (early Philips DVDR880 iirc) for around £80 a few weeks ago and doing the pukka Philips ones for around £120.

I find those German shops electronic goods to be a bit of a false economy to be honest- may as well pay a bit more for something decent.

Sorry for sounding negative.
But seriously, if you were looking for hi-fi would you go to Aldi? But if you aren't into hifi you might wander past next week and get a something "that'll do the job"

I might get one for a relation who doesn't care about hi-fi. As long as it does the basics....
You got shares in aldi Tom

Two theives in Aldi late a night, one whispers, we'll not be able to carry all this,bring the van round, must be a least a coupla quids worth of stuff here :)
analoguekid said:
You got shares in aldi Tom

Two theives in Aldi late a night, one whispers, we'll not be able to carry all this,bring the van round, must be a least a coupla quids worth of stuff here :)
v. good :D

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