Re: Robbo / Tone
Originally posted by mick parry
He needs to get into london where jobs are easy to get.
Too true, and not only are jobs relatively plentiful up there but there are a very wide variety of opportunities too. You can almost decide to go for any career path and find a company who'll take you on almost regardless of skill level/experience.
BUT not everyone wants to move from where they currently are, for whatever reason... friends, family, etc... Work would really have to be your one and only priority of life if you were to relocate somewhere else solely to get a job. There IS more to life.
I was out of work for 5 weeks earlier on this year. OK, not that long but certainly seemed like a long time to me at the time, being someone who has always been used to being in employment in the past. Having said that, I have been unemployed in the past for 1 or 2 months due to 2 previous redundancies. I was as flexible as I could be and lowered my expectations but still found it hard to get any work earlier on this year. One problem I guess was my lack of access to own transport, so this limited the location where I could work, as well as ruling me out for driving based jobs. Even supermarket shelf stacking jobs were hard to come by. The problem we have where I live is there are lot of people who are in general quite well qualified chasing far too few jobs, decent or otherwise. That's not to say that people who are qualified end up turning their noses up at jobs which don't pay a certain amount, nope people around here generally can't afford that luxuary and are greatful for what they can get, but with that does come a great deal of underlying dissatisfaction with the status quo. Some have resigned themselves to their position because they don't want to move out of the area, others would rather leave the country than have to rellocate to London or some other big metropolis in this country.
Also, when you've previously had a spell in quite a well defined career path and wish to change tact starting to work your way up from botom again, potential employers become very wary of your past experience and some won't even bother inviting you along to an interview based on the fact that they see you as "over qualified". OK yes, the over qualification thing puts them off because they are after someone who can commit to their company long term and in their eyes someone with better qualifications is bound to want to move on quicker if there are no other suitable positions elsewhere in the company. Then on the other hand, we all know that there is no such thing as a job for life these days, so why are they threating so much. Employers can't have it both ways.