A sad day in Angle Iron land

"the Mana forum will go on, but will go from Infopop to vBulletin software, probably. "

No I think he will be using the services of my friend Harmony

Cheapest and best on the net.............

Shameless plug http://www.webstatic.co.uk/

James pull up ya panties and come back soon......

Steve, if you have to ask, you are probably a weenie.

Hi Barnie, my frillies are present & correct. You'll get on just fine without me.
Pity about the ****er who took your place ... ho ho not


My understanding is that a weenie is one who uses none ferrous supports, wakes up several times in the night agonising about his cables, owns about 25 audiophile, CDs all carefully selected to show off aspects of the system, and complains to the moderators when attacked by a real magnetic, red meat eating, vodka quaffing man such as the above mentioned Vuk .

Haven't spotted one here yet, but a few suspects on Pink Fish.
Originally posted by Paul Duerden
My understanding is that a weenie is one who uses none ferrous supports, wakes up several times in the night agonising about his cables, owns about 25 audiophile, CDs all carefully selected to show off aspects of the system, and complains to the moderators when attacked by a real magnetic, red meat eating, vodka quaffing man such as the above mentioned Vuk .
Thanks for that, Paul. Phew, not me then.

Non-ferrous support? I'd never wear one and furthermore I suspect that anyone who wakes up several times in the night agonising about his cables is probably not using them for the purposes intended.
The Iron Bhuddas

Quite right Steve,

Although it is a standing joke on the Mana Forum that Fox and Pog oftimes climb a tranquil hill, to meditate on the finer points of cable dressing.
Re: Bunny-boiler

Originally posted by The Devil
That's not the only standing joke over there.
No, the whole thing's a stand-joke :JPS: <ducks for cover>
Hi Kirk,

The new forum isn't finalised yet, still in the being modded stage. Given the people who are working on it I would expect it to be quite a bit better than the present one.


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