I wasn't going to add to this but...., the UK stopped this stupidity about 40 years ago, why is the rest of the world playing catch up? It should be a choice not forced. If it where me, I'd tell them what they could do with it, I know there is family involved, but one day they'll have to realise its the 21st century and you just can't TELL people what to do, governments and society will have to change. You should NEVER be forced do to something you don't want to do. I met my wife when I was 16, if I had to do NS (ok academic since I'm disabled, but ignore that) she wouldn't have waited and I wouldn't have what I do now. I'm sure you will do what you think is best, but don't be bullied into it by you family or anyone else. And if all else fails, if they don't have a picture of you send "the devel" instead, sounds like he's up for it. Wish you the best of luck.
Hmmm A couple of thoughts. You say you're a UK citizen, of singaporean birth/descent, as I understand it? Surely that means you are, BRITISH, yes? So where do your alliegances lie? If with Singapore etc, why live in the UK? Conversely, if your alliegance is to the UK, why does it matter what the Singapore authorities are trying to force you to do? I recognise/accept that family issues make my otherwise over simplification a bit meaningless perhaps, but thought I should be the devils advocate and point out the seemingly obvious anyway. The other thing to keep in mind, is that young men feature rather heavily in military graveyards. The ones where your 'elders' come to 'remember' and 'honour' you, having sucessfully forced you by dint of social, familial, or other pressure to conform to their world view, and to sacrifice you life upon the alter thereupon. Young men traditionally, have a very naive world view IMHO, particularly when 'coming' from a strongly conformist society, and feel compelled to comply with strictural behaviours far from being in their own best interest. Don't let naivette and youthful exuberance to please thy father and mother, cloud your judgement and hopefully common sense. Just my 2c worth Good luck John....
Hi Ultra Only head back if your parents had put up a bond ($75,000) previously when u moved out of singapore after 12 years old? or the bond will be gone... if not, don't go back... You can easily fly back Singapore after you are 25 years old (assuming you are 18 now). Another issue about not serving too, is, you'll never get a working permit in Singapore, without completing your national service. I've done mine for 2.5 years, was good learning curve for me, but of cos, if given a choice, I'm pretty sure I would have taken the easy way out!
I tell you what tho, I think it's just what this country needs...the kids just don't have any respect! but I guess this should be left for a post of it's own...
I was glad when school ended, last thing I needed was another mandatory attendence in hell. I can see both sides though.
Alright guys, looks like im going back afterall but i have til the beggining of August to pack and say farewell. All my hifi is up for sale at bargain prices, please take a look in the classifieds forums. It breaks my heart to sell my beloved hifi but as it would be gathering dust for 2 years i would rather it be in a a happy home cheers and good bye Ultra
Yeah, i thought what the heck, be a man! I look at my 5 uncles and dad and think if they can do it i bloody well should be able to! Im gona give it my best. My gf said she'll wait for me so fingers crossed, il still get to see her twice a year and 2 years isnt too bad really. Any1 looking for quality gear for brill prices please check out the classifieds for my hifi clearout, it would really help if i managed to get a small sum off dosh before i go back-need to pay for my own air fare for starters! Ultra