update time - a few changes...
Just took delivery of another add-on to try.
Can you guess what they are for.
Wife though some kind of weird urinal. Daughter said some kind of guide for the butt...
Some wood chopping to make mounts that will fit them. More birch ply and table sawing.
Today I made some new lash up holders for the tweeters and provision to secure the wave guides.
As noted they are extremely nicely made, very solid and nicely weighted.
So far I have just plonked them down and with rough (by measurement where they were on the previous holders) alignment.
This is not ideal as at 10000Hz a mm here or there is quite a lot in terms of alignment error.
So here is how they look in place
So far, with a just a quick listen I quite like what I hear.
Def. needed to time align and measure before and after to see what if going on.
What I am hearing is more presence in the very upper registers - no shit, you'll say, that's what I expected!
I shit you not!
Of course it could all be my eyes fooling my ears with these big white things on, or just knowing they are there, hehe...
Here are the first Raal Lazy ribbon measurement comparisons of the waveguide. Taken at 1m on axis.
1. With waveguide in red / without waveguide in green. Shown at 1/6 octave.
2. Zoomed in on the 10K-22KHz range and shown in 1/40 octave to really try to bring out the detail of what's going on!
So on the much higher 1/N, we can see 2 significant areas of flattening with the waveguide. The 11-12.5K region (where I can still hear), and the 15.5K - 17KHz region (where I can hear significantly less).
Some relative suck out at 14KHz with the guide.
The whole freq range is amazingly flat really, even at 1/40 no deviation of more than +/-5dB really! Apart from the 14KHz region, with the waveguide on makes them even less deviant.
One reason they are so smooth and nice to listen too? - they measure well. Perhaps I should measure the JBL2405's and Rough Eminence tweeters as well - ah another day.
The waveguide gives a boost of some 5 dB - Not insignificant! I do have to back the volume off quite a bit with the guide on...