Amp time for me too....


is not the K2 series. Far too tame and nicee.

Temptation is jbl4343 or 4435.

For K2 money, you can get real Westlakes, though possibly not the ones with the twin 18" woofers.

I can see why jbl would not appeal to a classical lover. However, nothing does groove as well. They do have (IME) uneven treble and colouration "issues" in the upper mids. But they can be forgiven because of that funk thang on soul, jazz, even rock...

edited to add
They want 14k for a pair of scondhand K2s :yikes: that's more than they cost new :confused:
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Thanks for that Neil, but I've got the good bit out of them anyway, you know the big bit of paper that makes you:D

Just need something wacky and cheap to stick on top now!
Originally posted by merlin
Thanks for that Neil, but I've got the good bit out of them anyway, you know the big bit of paper that makes you:D

Just need something wacky and cheap to stick on top now!
So, still looking are you Merlin :confused:
I think the search will be worth the effort. BUt you should looki into horn loaded tweeters and external xovers.
Something like this


or this

or best of all, this

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Originally posted by joel
Nah, the preamp has tone controls and a champagne facia ;)

Well spotted ;).

Anway, who wants a pre-amp when you can have a Densen integrated :D


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