Amplifier quandry...

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Any one here bi-amp with int/power amp combo? thoughts please. Wm

Excellent idea WM:) Valves for mid and treble, Class D for bass duties:D

The Sugden Masterclass gear gets surprisingly close to these ideals to my ears, still I feel with their smaller amps, it might be worth trying out the Proac Reference 8 Signature or if greater levels are required, something like the Living Voice Auditorium.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Any one here bi-amp with int/power amp combo? thoughts please. Wm

Heard it done once with a pair of Living Voice Avatars.... absolutely stonking. Even Bigger soundstage, amazing 3D imaging.
But then I went and chose the tempo III which were only single wire, I prefered their neutrality to the LVs, and their imaging was already amazing if positioned carefully.

I think Sugden advise connecting the Power amp to the tweeters, not sure why, best check with them if anyone is going to give it a shot.

BTW, My Sugden A21a Power amp is still for sale - unless Ditton's made up his mind to buy it! I must remember to pick it up from him!

SAAB - you know you want to! :D
I would be interested in your views if you add conditioner to dedicated spur, would you not be better adding acouple of unswitched doubles to the wall I don't think this would degrade sound and would save the need for a distribution box

yes,but i distribution block is another shiney toy;)

dunno,will think on,move is a months away yet

I was thinking along those lines too, though I'll get torpedo'd from all sides here, I just don't like the LV stuff :eek: No denying its good, just not my cup of tea, the bass has too much fruit, and isn't as tight as Mr rimshot shot likes.
IT just a personal thing, nothing more, the quality of the speaker is top notch, they do sound great with valves though.
the big 3d image comes from seperate transformers nothing more, I even had a pair of rough and ready Arcams A32/p35 (actually not a bad combo)produce a sound stage that would embarass many a serious money amp.
I perfer amps serious balls that are dynamic and fast, and have iron grip on the bass.
mains conditioning I feel is a must for a quality sound, and seperate spurs and consumer boxes are good also (Isolate from internal garbage from the rest of the house)
We built a test room with 3 mains sets ups, full 10mm T+E top quality mains unit (cryo'd) mcb's, switchless sockets, one with 6mm T+E good SCU, switchless sockets, and one using a basic 4 way box standard (good quality wiring) and switchless sockets again.
Which one do we use???? depends on your set up and kit
Some kit responds very well to conditioning other stuff has top quality regulated psu's and the difference isn't as great.
Depends on the type of conditioning/load per unit/where its power the whole system/and or just the source.
Best thing to do is arrange a home demo for at least a week, then take it out, see if you can tell a difference.
I've got an option on an X250 (for the bedroom system) going to try some a little different :) Wm
Well before I get rid of them, you'll have to see what you think of the planned rig:)

The Mac will be used to drive the little Proacs (excellent mid and treble), whilst the Crown K1 will be doing the bass duties into the JBL's. I guess we could give it one airing on a weekday afternoon when no one is in:D Should be here by the end of next week.

It makes sense to me. Most sensibly priced valve amps I have heard are underdamped in the bass for my tastes, particularly when asked to drive big cones. Titian uses a similar approach I believe, with the Krell down below and the Nestarovic for the midrange on up.

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