Well I have a story!
About 1 year ago I won a bid got a pair of Final o.3 electrostatic speakers for £590 from MicroCuts. The name he used was Sammy Lee. I contacted the seller and we decided on a payment and postage method. Once I paid him they arrived, although I asked for insured they were not but no big deal I thought.
Once I plugged them up they didn't sound right! I quickly realised that only the woofer cone parts were working and the panels were not making a sound! I played around with wires and so on but it didn't work. Also when they were plugged into the mains but with no signal going through, one of them made a clicking noise like an electrical discharge or static on a record.
I contacted him and didn't say too much to upset him at first and simply said they didn't work am I doing something wrong?? He gave me his phone number and said he was Chinese. I phoned him and he said just send them back if I can't get them to work. He will refund me my money. So I did, but once he got them he refused to give my money back and claimed they worked fine, however I had opened the actual electrostatic panel, so no money for me! I then informed eBay and they said they would look into it. After a few emails back and forth, eBay getting into it and a threat of legal action against him he offered me £450 back. Taking £100 for the repair of 'my' damage to the speaker and the postage. So I accepted out of fear for getting nothing!
So basically he got £140 out of me!! Being 16 at the time (only 17 now) I was gob-smacked! But thankful I didn't loose all £590!!
So pity me! And DO NOT deal with the seller MicroCuts or Sammy Lee. lol, his house name when returning the speakers was 'Fort Sammy' What a house name!!
I have overcome my fear of eBay now and have made a bid on a pair of shoes for £15. So far I am the winning bidder!