another eBay scam

But then it's not all bad.. Both the 'major' purchases I have made on eBay have been great - an LP12 cheaper than I've ever seen turned out to be a beauty, & a Naim amp arrived (in perfect condition) before the seller had even received the cheque!
I was looking at this amp on Ebay .

The seller's rating is marked "private" (which seems stupid to me) and I can't see his history other than it's 99+% positive - but with no idea how many ratings that's based on.

I mailed the seller to ask if he would accept escrow payment and he said no. He's asking for a lot of trust/stupidity from buyers with that attitude. He doesn't and refuses to provide a pic of the actual item - just the box and doesn't want people to pick up from his house (not that I could anyway, but still...)

I wish him nothing but luck. Of which kind, I'll keep to myself.
Originally posted by punit
The seller's rating is marked "private" (which seems stupid to me) and I can't see his history other than it's 99+% positive - but with no idea how many ratings that's based on.

If we estimate he has 1000 transactions, then he must have 3 negative results. Without knowing the number of transactions exactly, you can only guess, but it must be a minimum of 1000.

I think :D

Still, I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.
Click on"private"456 positive,2 negs.
Some sellers prefer private auctions,as it prevents people from contacting the bidders offering cheaper items etc.

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Why would anybody be selling one of them at the moment? They have only been on the market for a few weeks. If he didn't like it then they could have got a full refund at Richers.

The entire thing seems a little bit fishy to me. It seems most people are avoiding it as there are no bids.
I received an e-mail this afternoon.. from

Thought it a little strange...


Dear valued eBay member,

It has come to our attention that your eBay Billing Information records are out of date. That requires you to update the Billing Information
If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your billing records, you will not run into any future problems with eBay's online service.
However, failure to update your records will result in account termination.
Please update your records in maximum 24 hours.

Once you have updated your account records, your eBay session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Failure to update will result in cancellation of service, Terms of Service (TOS) violations or future billing problems.

Thank you for your time!
Marry Kimmel,
eBay Billing Department team.


Take a look at the link - it is quite well done, but is a!!!

Hope no one fell for it.....
There is a bug in IE at the moment, where a url can be formatted to hide information in the browser's address bar. Don't use the address as confirmation of these email scams, just use common sense.

Not a single reputable web business contacts you for login details, ever.
yeah! I got one of these. QXL customers also got this type of emails couple of months ago.

I promptly replied back using the worst words I could think of :mad:
Well I have a story!

About 1 year ago I won a bid got a pair of Final o.3 electrostatic speakers for £590 from MicroCuts. The name he used was Sammy Lee. I contacted the seller and we decided on a payment and postage method. Once I paid him they arrived, although I asked for insured they were not but no big deal I thought.

Once I plugged them up they didn't sound right! I quickly realised that only the woofer cone parts were working and the panels were not making a sound! I played around with wires and so on but it didn't work. Also when they were plugged into the mains but with no signal going through, one of them made a clicking noise like an electrical discharge or static on a record.

I contacted him and didn't say too much to upset him at first and simply said they didn't work am I doing something wrong?? He gave me his phone number and said he was Chinese. I phoned him and he said just send them back if I can't get them to work. He will refund me my money. So I did, but once he got them he refused to give my money back and claimed they worked fine, however I had opened the actual electrostatic panel, so no money for me! I then informed eBay and they said they would look into it. After a few emails back and forth, eBay getting into it and a threat of legal action against him he offered me £450 back. Taking £100 for the repair of 'my' damage to the speaker and the postage. So I accepted out of fear for getting nothing!

So basically he got £140 out of me!! Being 16 at the time (only 17 now) I was gob-smacked! But thankful I didn't loose all £590!!

So pity me! And DO NOT deal with the seller MicroCuts or Sammy Lee. lol, his house name when returning the speakers was 'Fort Sammy' What a house name!!

I have overcome my fear of eBay now and have made a bid on a pair of shoes for £15. So far I am the winning bidder!
Personaly I would not bid on anything with that amount of money involved unless I can collect it and pay cash.

I bought a P233 laptop last year from a company called CCS parts. They shipped it next day so good service I thoguht. But then they sent the wrong AC adapter. I phoned them up and informed them they said they will send one out tomorrorw. Five days later still £170 quid down and no transformer.

Next day I decide to phone them to trace them up. They told me that they did not know what transformer my laptop required! After spending 2 hours on google and cross references loads of laptops I worked out that a Compaq xxxxx would work on mine. So I phoned them up and they said they will send me one of them so they did.

I finally had a working laptop or so I thought. I began installing Windows 98 on it, but the CD-ROM would not read the CD so I had to make a copy of it and the copy worked fine. The laptop was then working fine after spending another two hours trying to find out what video card drivers it required.

Two weeks later I was typing up a report, only to get a blue screen saying error writing to drive c:

This problem got worse within hours, I tried formating the hard drive but it would not let me telling the drive is physicaly damaged.

I phoned them up they said I could return the laptop put postage would be £20. In the end I just bought a new hard drive for it out of my own pocket and fitted it myself.

The laptop works fine now but after I would never bid on a laptop gain until I cansee it working first.
I've bought lots of software and camera equipment off ebay. Camera sellers tend to be pretty decent types -- I only had one duff experience where I bought a bag which was listed as new, and was less than. It wasn't tatty, but it was dirty. But that's all.

Hi-fi, DECT phones and DVDs have been less satisfactory over ebay. It's not ebay per se, obviously. Ah, bless those camera nerds, though.
On a slightly different note but still relating to ebay - does anyone else who uses it get an email today requesting you to follow a link to update credit card details?

I'm suspicious as it landed in my junk folder of my hotmail account and all other ebay stuff has gone into my main inbox, and because it just doesn't look like the usual ebay mails.

Dont do it! Its a scam. never give your bank or credit card details to anyone. Reputable companies will never Email you asking you to update your credit card details like this.

There have been a number of these scams going round recently.

I've deleted the mail already and had no intention of responding but was curious to know if anyone else received them - I wonder, though, how and where these scallies got my details from?
To whoever posted about the guy with the hidden feedback and stuff, i was dubious when i saw that, but emailed him quite a lot, and he seemed friendly, so i went ahead and bid on a JVC cd recorder the other week. I received it today, and it's in great condition. The only bad thing is he doesn't let people collect unless under 'exceptional circumstances' which is a bummer as hes only 40 miles away. Ah well, trust is something down to the buyer, but the majority on ebay aren't bad apples.
well my ebay dispute appears to be sorted, the guy has seen sense after I was going to sue for breach of contract.

I have to say, I am being honest here, I have 6 negatives with ebay, but can explain officer...the first 3 I didn't treat ebay seriously, and bought 3 items in one go I never really wanted. Since then I have treated it always properly as a buyer. I was younger and naive. I was fortunate not to get kicked off.

One guy I sold to negatived as he wanted cash back cos he had paid far too much...£170 for a cambridge cd4se!!

another I negatived something I had bought for being misdescribed ...a real **** he was, he retailiated in kind, and that leaves I think one genuine negative which I cannot remember.

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