Another new tweak - comments please

An analogue input expects to be driven from effectively a short circuit. So shorting plugs that are actually shorting plugs are appropriate.

Albeit this is only going to have an effect on a badly designed pre amp.


I made some of these last year. Used cheapest phono plugs I could find and A430R resistors (1p each) from Maplins.

A-B testing proved that they really work. With ears close to the speaker, with volume set at normal or above (with no source/CDP playing of course) the hissing noise disappears almost completely, even at full volume!
It worked with four different amps I tried so far.

You can try simply shorting an analog input. Use a wire instead of a resistor. If it causes pops or transients when you switch past that input, it means that the shorting plug is upsetting a DC servo circuit. In which case replace the wire with a resistor (approx 470 ohms) to make it a terminated load plug.

DO NOT Short an analog or digital output!

Added bonus is that they keep the dust and corrosion off those unused inputs. Russ Andrews sells them. About £20, I think.
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Note - the picture BM has posted above is of a shorting plug as sold by Campaign Audio Design:

not one he has made himself as the impression is given by his post.

(BM - I've mentioned this to you before, hence this response. Ian Phelps who owns/runs CAD seems a nice guy from my dealings with him, and crediting his products would be polite).
MartinC said:
Note - the picture BM has posted above is of a shorting plug as sold by Campaign Audio Design:
not one he has made himself as the impression is given by his post.

(BM - I've mentioned this to you before, hence this response. Ian Phelps who owns/runs CAD seems a nice guy from my dealings with him, and crediting his products would be polite).

I did not claim that I made the one in the picture. I don't have a picture of the ones I made, so posted a pic to show what is needed to be done.

If you pick up 'impressions' that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed, that is your problem. Pics posted on the internet are in the public domain. As far as I am aware there is no judicial precedence to prove that it is illegal for some one else to use it. I don't have legal obligations to give credits either. You may have an axe to grind or want to advertise someone. But that has nothing to do with me.

See it in good spirit and avoid such off-topic and useless posts bordering on defamation of other posters trying to help. Thank you.
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BM, the implication is there and MartinC is absolutely correct to point out that the ones in the picture are not yours. You should alway credit where the picture came from.
LiloLee said:
BM, the implication is there and MartinC is absolutely correct to point out that the ones in the picture are not yours. You should alway credit where the picture came from.
I SHOULD ?! Why?! Any logical arguments to support your claim "MartinC is absolutely correct" ?

No legal obligations as I have already stated.
Whether one does or not is upto them. It is not a matter for anyone to force anyone else to do.

What is weird about these smart alecs is that whilst they are all too keen to criticise and defame with their OFF TOPIC posts, they do not say thank you to posters trying to be of help.
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You are correct BM, however there may be no legal obligation, but there is the obligation to scrupples and gentlemanly conduct, next time try saying, "woops! sorry, of course thanks to X for the pics."

Then you may find things don't go off topic, which annoys you so much. :)
Nestorovic Labs deliver the NA-1 Tube amplifier with a shorting plug in the input which is not used.
But there you are: it is a very badly designed amp which you should never ever buy.

PS: if you have a pair of them then let me know, I will take them.
BlueMax, I for one did think you made those exact ones in the picture. I felt very let down and disappointed when I found out that this was not the case. :( Please bear this mind.
LiloLee said:
Why not give it a go and let us know.
I will do as soon as Maplin let me know how to set the right delivery address (I somehow confused their site earlier and am waiting for them to get back to me). I'm ordering some cable to make up a sub lead, so I thought I may as well get a few of their cheapest phonos to try with. I sincerely hope my pre-amp is well enough made that it won't make any difference though.

BM - The last time I mentioned the issue of crediting the same picture to CAD I did so very politely:

(Oh, and you might like to credit CAD for the picture of their product... The guy who runs CAD is a nice chap and would I'm sure appreciate it.)
see here for thread, 2nd post down. Sadly you chose to ignore the issue then, which is why I'm afraid I was a little irritated to see it posted as above.

Apologies for the distraction from the main focus of the thread.
Having nothing better to do ATM I ordered some shorters from another guy on eBay as they were gold plated :D . Should be posted today.
I don't expect them to make a difference and I didn't get enough to fill all the inputs on the back of my AV amp.
So Err, I'm not sure why I bothered now :rolleyes:
notaclue said:
BlueMax, I for one did think you made those exact ones in the picture. I felt very let down and disappointed when I found out that this was not the case. :( Please bear this mind.
Giving you the benefit of doubt that you are not being sarcastic or trying to wind-up with another OFF TOPIC post, may I ask you why should the picture be exactly the same as the ones I made ?

The objective of the picture is to show HOW they are made.
It is not necessary for you to precisely copy what someone else has done.
Just use the cheapest RCA plugs you can find and solder in the specified resistor.

BTW. Using cheap plugs, as they are, on any unused input/outputs of amps and sources will keep dust out of them; ready for use when needed.
Well. I think you should have pointed out that the picture was an example. Or said 'I made some plugs like this one'. Then none of this would have happened.
notaclue said:
Well. I think you should have pointed out that the picture was an example. Or said 'I made some plugs like this one'. Then none of this would have happened.
No I think not! For reasons already stated. WHY do you claim, "you should have pointed out that the picture was an example" ?
What is your purpose in making a claim/allegation that you can not support it with reason and logic?
Nit-picking is your idea of having 'fun' perhaps?!

Problem, IMO, with some posters is that they lose focus and objectivity and deviate with trifling and OFF TOPIC posts to put down others.

Many forums have an 'ignore button' to stop their post appearing on the screen. A good idea here also, IMO.
BlueMax said:
Many forums have an 'ignore button' to stop their post appearing on the screen. A good idea here also, IMO.

You can place people on an ignore list here too, Penance has made reference to this once or twice ;).
Blue max, all these words when a simple sorry would have done. Why not just admit you are being unreasonable, this is not sarcasm BTW, I'm sick of your unreasonable defence at any mention of critisism and questioning of your posts, grow up man.
BlueMax said:
I SHOULD ?! Why?! Any logical arguments to support your claim "MartinC is absolutely correct" ?

No legal obligations as I have already stated.
Whether one does or not is upto them. It is not a matter for anyone to force anyone else to do.

What is weird about these smart alecs is that whilst they are all too keen to criticise and defame with their OFF TOPIC posts, they do not say thank you to posters trying to be of help.

BM, obviously the concept of being nice and treating people as you would like to be treated is a foreign concept to you. For instance how would like the following?


I made some really crap power cords. Made no difference what so ever.
For the attention of MartinC, LiloLee, notaclue and analoguekid ONLY

For your exclusive pleasure and in an attempt to keep this thread OFF TOPIC, I have started a new thread in the Chat Section, since there is no OFF TOPIC section and the The Kindergarten section, appropriate for you lot, doesn't allow any new threads.

Why not post your apologies here for your OFF TOPIC posts to Tim F, the thread owner, and to other decent posters. Then post your drivel and apologies at the new thread. :D

This post is my last response on this thread to OFF TOPIC posters, snipers and the like.
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