Anyone content with their system?

Ultrasonic said:
With some cd's its not merely listening to music but being taken on a psychadelic aural ride! :JPS: my system blows my student buddies micro's to weeds and im savin money on cinema dates coz i just bring em home hehe it sounds better :cool: very content


So does mine, my system sounds better than any system I have ever heared apart from in HIFI shops. I think my system is quite well setup though. My system is still capable of blowing me away.
Reasonably happy with the system as it stands; however, I do keep thinking about new speakers. If I could find the right set of boxes to stick on the end of the system I may well be content for some time.

That's the theory anyway...
I'm pretty happy now... I know I'd need to spend some serious cash to get much better (and that's "much" as in about 2% - law of diminishing returns n'all).
Only thing I can think of is when my speakers go pop, and I can't get bits, I'll have to start listening to JBL K2s or even those big Avalons (and to think only a sentence ago I was saying that was it..)
Yes and have been for about a year. Only thing is these fora keep telling me how shit my system sounds and then there's the "last year's model" syndrome where I have to have the latest box. But in reality I no longer worry about upgrades. No the thing that is driving this most recent change is pure convenience. I don't want to have to walk next door to change a CD. Sad but true.
I think I have a system a few years ago I never dreamed of owning.I'm a very satified with it,but seriously let down by the room,which I was hoping to change,but looking at the totally obsurb house prices have become here,that now looks out the question.I think I'll be leaving it as it is,just iproving the Rega P25 a touch more,but amps/speakers are too stay the same,will probably be looking to improve the AV side of things instead in the near future.
Pretty much content with the current state of affairs - bearing in mind I've had the TT/arm for 14 years, the speakers for 12, the CDP for 10 gives a reasonable idea that I'm enjoying it. The amp was only replaced because the old one threw in the towel, I've replaced with almost like for like. Phono stage was added as a way of polishing what was already there - I replace the needle when it's worn - or rather just before ;)

I'm a very firm believer where hi-fi\s concerned in the 'if it ain't broke etc etc'. The system's quick, snappy and I'd be quite worried about upsetting the happy applecart with any drastic mods/upgrades. I'm also not bothered about stereo 'depth' or imaging or other non-musical-enhancing criteria - it's below the bottom of my list of priorities (my system probably does image really badly anyway) so as things are, they'll stay. I'd rather buy more lp's tbh - if you've got a car/bike you enjoy driving/riding just keep it in good nick and fill it with petrol :)
very happy with mine also, but i do want to have a listen to some keilidhs with my amps. imo, the best speaker linn produced. but, its not an essential. the missions i have suit me and i love the sound as is. :)
Heh, heh. Actually at the moment I'm very happy. The sound is good (but will get better) but I've just acheived Nirvana. Spent the day loading in all my Jazz, Blues & Celtic music. Just put all the blues on random play. Lucky dip time for about 24 hours straight.

But not worried enough for it to be a spending priority.
I 've just playing with a little pair of proacs, and really enjoying them, nearly bit my ears off at first, getting used now, but still VERY 'alive' they sound better to me with a tranny amp I have than a valve, different I suppose.
Which is interesting, as I am a valve nut, but I really like the sound, having really played around.
There is definately something the same about valve amps sound, they all have a common sig. tho they may be a bit different, tranny amps seem slightly more detailed, less fullsome, sharper etched, they seem to reveal more, to coin a term, they are accurate speakers, too. I can live with both now.
Quite enjoying it, now, can't imagine much better really, worth shelling out for I mean.
technobear said:
It's sonic nirvana here at TB Towers. No plans to change anything this year :techno:

What about this year?
MO! said:
technobear said:
It's sonic nirvana here at TB Towers. No plans to change anything this year :techno:
What about this year?
Who's a comedian then? :)

I meant the coming year! :p

But then you knew that already :D

Although the thread on room acoustics has set me thinking... :rolleyes:

Hifi! Can't live with it, can't live without it :lol:
yeah, I'm just about happy with mine - but in all honesty I haven't got anything really to compare it with...just need a new centre speaker tho, but really skint now until pay day...sigh...
Happy with mine at the moment :), though I've come to a stage where I either simply cannot afford anything that will give me a massive improvement (I can't afford a new amp or speakers) or I have no space for new speakers, so bar a lottery win theres not much potential for what I have now to change much.

Only things that I really want to do is clock the cd transport, and maybe persuade the Aber Uni halls committee to sort out the electrics so that merely plugging in my trichord mains filter doesn't keep tripping the RCD :rolleyes: due to the initial induced current pull when you plug it in. I'm not holding my breath on this though since it took them a fortnight to replace a lightbulb on the landing, and I'm not supposed to actually have an amplifier in my room, so any complaints and they'll just tell me I'm not supposed to have my hifi in halls anyway!
I'm happy with mine. But I'm off to Japan soon so will no doubt return with a few toys that are, strictly speaking, unnecessary...

-- Ian

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