OK, I'll come out of the closet: I'm not happy, and haven't been for a while. I've been itching in the poweramp regions, trying to find something that is vfm improvement over the 8000S. I've done a fair amount of listening, reading, home-demo'ing and pondering, and have wandered off on a pre-amp and attenuation path (to allow be to play the Dax Decade at 0db, rather than at -30db), buying a s/h Croft VitaleSC which adds texture but adds (or is that subtracts) from my attenuation problems, and is probably wasted on me as I dont want to be tempted down the vinyl.
I've even taken to elementary electronics, long forgotten, to understand more about the things one box attempts to do to another down the chain.
But I went out and bought lots of CDs today, and I'm playing music like I'm drinking to forget - and then I logged on, and I've remembered ...
but hey, new music, and even old music revisted is quite a tonic. For me, resolution might mean New Year's resolution to buy music when I itch!