Anyone content with their system?

Nomoretweaks said:
Thanks God manufacturers do not read all this. They would have had heart attack.
Isn't that why they have their own fora - too encourage discontent?
OK, I'll come out of the closet: I'm not happy, and haven't been for a while. I've been itching in the poweramp regions, trying to find something that is vfm improvement over the 8000S. I've done a fair amount of listening, reading, home-demo'ing and pondering, and have wandered off on a pre-amp and attenuation path (to allow be to play the Dax Decade at 0db, rather than at -30db), buying a s/h Croft VitaleSC which adds texture but adds (or is that subtracts) from my attenuation problems, and is probably wasted on me as I dont want to be tempted down the vinyl.

I've even taken to elementary electronics, long forgotten, to understand more about the things one box attempts to do to another down the chain.

But I went out and bought lots of CDs today, and I'm playing music like I'm drinking to forget - and then I logged on, and I've remembered ...

but hey, new music, and even old music revisted is quite a tonic. For me, resolution might mean New Year's resolution to buy music when I itch!
wadia-miester said:
How r u finding your system now Tom?
Apart from the ease of access to your music, much difference in sound quality at the moment?
Well the TT is fabulous. :D The digital end is fabulously convenient for the 90 albums loaded on my HDD (although I miss the other 800+) and the sound quality is suprisingly good. But I'm still without a DAC, that'll be another month I reckon, after which I am expecting Nirvana. But all in all I'm very content

I've just finshed my HDD set up, did the other version of the squeeze box (seperate psu and some internal mods), have it running into the dac section of the Wad, sounds quite fair, plus I have the option of just loading a cd in the player.
Glad your happy with the rega, seems to be a 'in buy' at the moment.
I have to admit to using the WT from time to time also :D
I am not content at present..... since selling the Graaf power amp (it was too hot inside the rack and too risky on top of the rack) some magic has been lost. Hence selling the passive pre-amp, sound is just to cold with the PS Audio power amp. So back to using the Sugden headmaster as a pre-amp, nice sound but I'm sure there is better to be had.

But now just can't face demoing yet more things to try and make my mind up. To add to this I always seem to be busy with other things and not getting time to listen to music until very late, when I'm ready to fall asleep and headphones are in order.

I can begin to feel pressure to move my Quads out of family room and turn it into a proper play room for the nipper as she's getting bigger and more active. Which means we'll get the living room back from encroaching heaps of toys, but Quads will look very out of place there. In fact they won't go at all. It doesn't bear thinking about, but it might be time for me to think of putting my toys away for a while :(

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