[QUOTE=garyi]Dom, extentions sound like something from Mac OS9, in essence as old as windows 98... All printers available on the highstreet that are USB today will work in OSX (Again OSX comes with drivers for most printers) It never forgets a device, what ever you mean by that I am not sure. [/QUOTE] Nicely - and what am I saying? My printer's on its last legs and is parallel only anyway!!! Yeah - you're right re OS9 - oops! I've not "played" with the new G5s yet as I don't work in that team any more - d'oh! By "forgetting a device" I mean EXACTLY that. My PC conveniently "forgot" it has a USB card reader attached; I had to reinstall it (the damn thing worked the night before, and nothing had changed). Windoze e(X)cruiting (P)ain.