Art Speakers who's listened?


why not visit the UK on a brief holiday. We can tell you what shops to visit. If you hire a car, you can hear most stuff within 1 hour drive of London.

Hell, if you get the ferry you could buy from classifieds and take them home with you, saving postage costs.

why not visit the UK on a brief holiday. We can tell you what shops to visit. If you hire a car, you can hear most stuff within 1 hour drive of London.

Hell, if you get the ferry you could buy from classifieds and take them home with you, saving postage costs.

all is open at the moment. my wife did some training in oxford from january to april and will have to do na extra couple of weeks later this year. if work allows i'll try to go along...
I strongly recommend having a go at building something with a Jordan driver, like mine:


They're very easy to build, 47 Lab amps drive them very well, and they sound very good.

Full thread about building them here:

But if your budget is in the Art Emotions area you have lots of choice. I'd go for some big secondhand Tannoys, but if you want new I enjoyed a pair of Horning Agathons I heard recently. Not exactly single-driver but the nicest Lowther-based speaker I've heard. Similar sort of price to the Emotions I think.

-- Ian
I agree with Sideshowbob ( i think for the first time ) about the Jordans. Very nice smooth top end and a lovely detailed mid range. See my Aurousal A1 review in the review section. Jim.
hello jim,

i have already read your review and it sounded like the arousals would be my cup of tea.
but i don't think they'd be a good match for my room: it's quite "lively" and opens into another room totaling 30 square metres.

well, it looks like this sentence sums up the general opinion... and they are expensive (not necessarily bad value but i have yet to listen)

thanks everyone.

I have had a pair of Emotion Sigs for eight months, they work superbly for me. I've heard them in a few systems and they can work very well with valves or SS. I've heard them work well with Naim kit (even a little Nait 2 :eek:).

A friend and I both use them with a Berning ZH270 with great results.

A show is no place to judge kit, much less rely on someone elses ears. If you hear any system sound good at a show, at least you know it can. But dismissing anything on the grounds that it didn't work in a show would be stupid IMO.

Paul Messenger's very recent review of the Sigs and the difference between them and the standard Emotion struck me as spot-on, given my own experience of living with them.

Sigs don't come cheap but I've heard the Emotion monitors and while they are not as sensitive, they sounded superb and I know of a couple of people who have bought them and are delighted. So do have listen if they appeal on cost/appearance grounds.

I agree with Markus about getting sniffy about cost, I doubt whether many stack up that way - but until I can make better for less, I'm content to negotiate. ;)

Hi Ricardo,

If you like the Schallwand's, would the Shambhala be any good. They look very interesting and at the price you mention.


Hello Lee,

The transport is playing beautifully, this Shig combo's got swing.
How is your system upgrading going?
The reason I'm selling the Schallwands is because I've moved the stereo to a larger, bright sounding, room with an 11 foot high ceiling and they are not performing so well in this new environment, probably because of the upwards firing driver. I think the Shahinians would have similar results. But thanks for the tip.

I strongly recommend having a go at building something with a Jordan driver, like mine:


They're very easy to build, 47 Lab amps drive them very well, and they sound very good.

-- Ian

Hi Ian,

I'm affraid but there are two very strong arguments against your speakers:
1. I'd need a carpenter (I'm a terrible DITer)
2. My little two year old would make a mess of the drivers in no time

Sorry, Ricardo, I meant the Schallwand Shambhala's. link

Hi Lee,
I talked with the manufacturer and he thinks I'll have even more trouble with the Shambhalas as they are a pain to set up and might not work well in my room.
They do look good, though.

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