Auntie Ants Sells Her Flat - Uncle Ants Wants To Spend the Proceeds - Please help

Uncle Ants,

Your current situation reminds me of where I was 2 years ago when I auditioned the Gyro SE, NA Spacedeck, Clearaudio Champion Level II and the Rega P25. My amp, speakers and cables were used in all the auditions. To my ears, I preferred the sound of the Gyro SE to the rest. I found the Spacedeck too dark sounding, the Clearaudio was too CD-like (not what I was looking for) and the P25 was not bad but was outperformed by the others. I now use the Gyro with an silver wired SME IV tonearm (upgraded from an Incognito/Rega RB300 tonearm with huge results) with the Pederson upgraded armboard and an external Trichord/Michell power supply and all I can say is that in my system, the Gyro SE positively rocks. In fact, for someone who grew-up listening to digital (CDs), I am enyoying the sound of vinyl so much that I can see myself, say in a couple of years time, upgrading to an even better turntable and then I will again be a similar position to you right now.:D Enjoy the auditions.

sideshowbob said:
I like the Spacedeck. I also like the Gyro, especially when you add an improved PSU and an Orbe platter, at which level it becomes a seriously good deck.

Bear in mind any possible upgrade path when you do the auditions, since whatever deck you go for you'll undoubtedly want to improve it eventually...

-- Ian

Sideshowbob - considering that I already use an external Trichord/Michell power supply and an SME IV arm, what can I expect to gain, sonically, by adding the Orbe kit to the Gyro SE? The kit includes Orbe-platter with bearing spindle, a screw-down clamp, and chassis damping material.

Enjoy the music,

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hi Lawrie, I bought my Gyro secondhand and it already had the Orbe platter, so I haven't done any direct comparisons in my own system with the standard platter (I have with PSUs, and there's no question of the improvement). Having said that, people who have done the platter comparison have always said basically the same thing: the Orbe platter gives a more authoritative presentation, and virtually kills any vestigial surface noise. Before I had the Gorbe I used a Kuzma Stabi S/Stogi S - I preferred the Kuzma to any Gyros I'd heard, but when I bought the Gorbe I thought it was clearly better than the Kuzma, even before adding the VC PSU.

-- Ian
Hi Uncle Ants,

The Nottingham range has changed slowly over the years. But you can still tweak older models. Best have a word with Tom Fletcher about what can be done. There is no Nottingham Analogue website but you can get some info from these sites.

Here is some more turntable porn.

wadia-miester said:
Forget the rest, Well Tempered Ref simply the most involving TT I've ever heard
Tony, sorry, how many records do you own again :D
Hi Ants,

Yes, the Interspace is upgradeable with better power supplies, arms, platters etc all an option.

Not to miss the point though, its a high end deck in disguise at mid-fi prices. I doubt you would find the need to change diddly squat. Thats hard to believe at that kind of price, but you will see on Wednesday, of that I am sure :D

Personally, I thought it leagues of the gyrodeck I used to own. It was a closer thing when I put the orbe platter on and other bits and bobs, but I would have still picked the Interspace if I were starting from scratch.

Have a good audition, and try to hear the Kuzma at Definitive, these are second hand around the 700 mark, and because of the Stogi S arm I would put it just ahead of the Interspace (you may not find one used of course)

Have fun.
sideshowbob said:
hi Lawrie, I bought my Gyro secondhand and it already had the Orbe platter, so I haven't done any direct comparisons in my own system with the standard platter (I have with PSUs, and there's no question of the improvement). Having said that, people who have done the platter comparison have always said basically the same thing: the Orbe platter gives a more authoritative presentation, and virtually kills any vestigial surface noise. Before I had the Gorbe I used a Kuzma Stabi S/Stogi S - I preferred the Kuzma to any Gyros I'd heard, but when I bought the Gorbe I thought it was clearly better than the Kuzma, even before adding the VC PSU.

-- Ian


Thanks for that. I am contemplating getting the Orbe kit as the feedback I am getting is that it does make a positive contribution to the sound of the deck. However, I am also considering upgrading the whole deck to something much better (maybe in the next eighteen months or so) using the funds I had considered spending on a good CDP so I might even skip the Orbe upgrade kit and go for a new TT instead. I figured that I would get better sound and musical involvement for my money by spending the bulk of the amount on a new TT (and use my current tonearm) and spend much, much less on a CDP given that so many CDPs sound so similar to my ears, with many of them in fact sounding very bland and far removed from the musical event, especially many of the new upsampling ones. Therefore, they are just not worth the 'dollars', IMO. There are a couple of exceptions though but at what price?

wadia-miester said:
Forget the rest, Well Tempered Ref simply the most involving TT I've ever heard


Have you compared the Well Tempered Reference turntable to your Wadia and if so, which one played better music?

Enjoy the music,

Yes Lawrie,
I've owned a WT Ref for a few months now (Red sig cart and a micro benz), and only preformed very minimal mods to its psu'.(Brand new phono stage to be seen shortly in the press (Not ours))
The WT is superb sounding musical deck, involvement and immedicy, great bass too, a fab communicator.
The Wadia does things the WT doesn't & the WT does things the Wadia doesn't, though I'm in the process of shoe horning an SE transport into a new carcuss. So I'll put my judgement on hold for a while :)
So far its the only TT I've felt comftable with :cool:

Hope you enjoy meeting Kevin tomorrow. I'm sure you'll come away with something that sounds brilliant, whoever it's made by. The service there is second-to-none IMO.

wadia-miester said:
Yes Lawrie,
I've owned a WT Ref for a few months now (Red sig cart and a micro benz), and only preformed very minimal mods to its psu'.(Brand new phono stage to be seen shortly in the press (Not ours))
The WT is superb sounding musical deck, involvement and immedicy, great bass too, a fab communicator.
The Wadia does things the WT doesn't & the WT does things the Wadia doesn't, though I'm in the process of shoe horning an SE transport into a new carcuss. So I'll put my judgement on hold for a while :)
So far its the only TT I've felt comftable with :cool:

Ah, WM!

So the jury is out for now at Chez WM, eh? Btw, I never realised you were in possession of a TT. Are you using it as benchmark to further modify the Wadia or are you getting hooked on the black stuff? If it is the latter, I can't say I blame you there. ;) Now, for most of us who have two left hands and can't or don't or won't modify, I would like to think that a deck like the WT (and many others) would slaughter a stock Wadia CDP in the music-making stakes - wouldn't you agree?

Btw, what's the name of the phono stage to which you referred or is it a 'trade secret'?

Enjoy the music,


I would say sepends on the system, in most cases the WT is well ahead in most areas :) but Its not a slaughter job
A stock 861 SE with the right kit around it, will run it close :)
No, the WT was a US bargin not too be missed, No I'm not getting into Vinyl so your safe, a lot of our clients have TT only systems, so we needed a quality balck piazza player that could cut it when we do demostrations, I still only own 6 pieces of Vinyl :D
There are times when I like the TT and others I prefer my wadia, I don't need to benchmark it, basically there are some things only Vinyl can do, and others are in cdp domain.
The Phono stage isn't a Trade secret, it just won't be realsed until Xmas I believe?, trust me on this, its good :) I also have a Groove & a Manley too, both of which are damn fine.
I believe there is an article due out Jan/feb? I can't say anymore really sorry.
WT reference is an interesting choice as your favourite TT. I suspect that there are carts more in tune with your tastes, though. You might also check out the Graham arm.

Not exactly my cup 'o tea, but undeniably excellent kit.

I have a really nice spare origainal copy of Purple Live in Japan (from '73) if you're interested (could pop it in with one of my regular deliverys). Sounds pretty good, even if the cover photo is reversed!

I would have been happy with either an Orbe or the Notts I think (or a VPI or a Kuzma...). The Notts is a giant leap up from the P25 TBH. Over here Notts are very popular, so SH bargains do come up. while Michell is non-existant now.
Joel ,

You are correct abouts the carts, but as I'm mostly cdp, I can live with my 2, we do have some nice carts for the clients. So I know what a difference it can make
I don't get on with orbs, even though I have a good friend who is rather close on the production front, I find them a bit 'not for me'
Still you might be surprised how the cdp is in relation, however I do agree MIJ is best on Vinyl
Just got a new jap import yesterday Live in London, the mastering is superb mate, hats off to that man wo did the job !!! Wm who's trying to rebuild his new speakers and not having much luck this morning!!!
wadia-miester said:

I would say sepends on the system, in most cases the WT is well ahead in most areas :) but Its not a slaughter job
A stock 861 SE with the right kit around it, will run it close :)

The Phono stage isn't a Trade secret, it just won't be realsed until Xmas I believe?, trust me on this, its good :) I also have a Groove & a Manley too, both of which are damn fine.
I believe there is an article due out Jan/feb? I can't say anymore really sorry.


I do admire your honesty about the WT's capabilities. ;) Just out of interest (not that I am interested in it), how much is the sonic performance improvement (percentage wise) between a stock 861 and the SE version with the new transport as I believe that the SE version is hovering around the GBP 10,000 price mark (ouch!!) at the moment?

Btw, I understand your reluctance to reveal further details about a new product i.e. the phono stage. I just hope it is that it will be at a price that mere mortals can afford as there are too many crazily priced products coming out these days.

Enjoy the music,


I believe the said Article will be in real world terms a bit of a steal, It's ceratinly affordable, from the information I've gathered,
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't reach 4 figs, but don't quote me.
The SE add's amazing weight and presence to the 861, serious solidity and focus, great depth too, Its just a bit slow and not flowy enough for me, however things are interchangeable in Wadia land.
Though again, it needs to have the right supporting cast to really come alive.
I purchased an SE recently for $5800 Plus inport, so they are out they.Wm

Thanks for the info. I find it interesting that the SE still needs work doing to it even at it's new retail price (although it is something that can also be said for many other CDPs out there). Btw, I am aware of the comparitively lower prices for which the SE can be bought but I like to use the U.K. retail prices when making comparisons. ;)

Enjoy the music,

I wouldn't worry too much sir, I've a few clients that prefer it over any TT they've heard, one even chopped a full mounty orbe in for it, but as we say hifi a funny old world!!!
I just smile these days, if it does it for you, why worry about it, every one else can do that for you!!!

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