Auntie Ants Sells Her Flat - Uncle Ants Wants To Spend the Proceeds - Please help

Lawrie said:
. Btw, I am aware of the comparitively lower prices for which the SE can be bought but I like to use the U.K. retail prices when making comparisons. ;)

Why's that Lawrie? Surely no one on this forum is stupid enough to pay full UK retail price for such esoterica in these days of internet shopping?
wadia-miester said:
I wouldn't worry too much sir, I've a few clients that prefer it over any TT they've heard, one even chopped a full mounty orbe in for it, but as we say hifi a funny old world!!!
I just smile these days, if it does it for you, why worry about it, every one else can do that for you!!!


I believe that's an unfair comparison sir? :) Even taking into account the Orbe's price and adding to it a typical tonearm, cart, & phono stage, it will still be several thousands of pounds less than the 861 SE's GBP 10,000 price. Now, get a TT combo that approaches or even equates the price of the SE and things might be different wouldn't you say? ;)

merlin said:
Why's that Lawrie? Surely no one on this forum is stupid enough to pay full UK retail price for such esoterica in these days of internet shopping?

Well, as far as I am aware (and correct me if I am wrong), only a tiny proportion of the U.K's audiophiles and music lovers use this forum. That means there must be a vast majority out there that do not use this forum or the internet to do their shopping and are willing to pay full retail with a dealer. Do a sample survey and you'll be amazed at how much some of your country men are willing to and do pay for exotica. Just last week, I listened to piece of equipment (with a view to buying but was left disappointed) which retails here for GBP 2,400 but in the U.K. the same item with absolutely no differences whatsoever, retails for GBP 4,500. That is the published official retail price in the U.K. Now, something tells me that the U.K. market (people) can sustain those sorts of price levels hence the fact that dealers are able to charge them. So, if I were to refer to that product and it's price on this or any other U.K. forum, I see it fit to use the U.K. retail price rather than any other.

Just going back to your comment, are the vast majority of the U.K. audiophiles stoooopid for not using the internet to buy their gear? Well, I don't think so as not every one has the time to hang around these forums and may not be aware of what the same items cost elsewhere. Also, many prefer to buy from a dealer rather than the faceless internet. So, IMO, there are all sorts of reasons why your countrymen would choose to buy from a brand dealer with a known address but stupid is not one of those reasons unless you know something I don't, considering you live in the U.K.?

Enjoy the music,

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Lawrie, am I right in thinking that Lawrieville is The Netherlands? I've seen a place there on the web that sells Dynaudio C1s for less than half the UK price....

wadia-miester said:
I wouldn't worry too much sir, I've a few clients that prefer it over any TT they've heard, one even chopped a full mounty orbe in for it, but as we say hifi a funny old world!!!
Horses for courses I guess.
BTW, what are the six pieces of vinyl you own :D
The Purple Album is a clean double vinyl pressing from 73 (cost me all of about 90pence, I couldn't say no...) in a gatefold sleeve with photos of the band back in early middle-age ;) Not only that, it's yours.
michaelab said:
Lawrie, am I right in thinking that Lawrieville is The Netherlands? I've seen a place there on the web that sells Dynaudio C1s for less than half the UK price....



You are correct and Lawrieville is a wonderful place to be. :) Btw, if we are thinking about the same website, I know the guy is legitimate and some serious bargains can be had on all stuff including cables. I have also bought some stuff from him and will be doing so again shortly assuming he has or is able to track down what I want so I hope we are referring to the same website. ;)

Enjoy the music,

Unfortunately, I think I was led up the proverbial garden path :( . The site I spotted in a casual search was this one where the price of the C1s is listed as €2020, which would indeed be stunning, but on closer inspection and with my moderate ability to read Dutch this appears to be a price comparison site. It doesn't say where they got that price from of where one might be able to buy the speakers at that price :(

If you click on "winkels" (= shops), you get this:

Van dit product zijn er geen prijzen bekend.

Translated: No price for this product is known.

Looks like a red herring.

It also may well be that the price was meant per speaker, not per pair.
michaelab said:
Unfortunately, I think I was led up the proverbial garden path :( . The site I spotted in a casual search was this one where the price of the C1s is listed as €2020, which would indeed be stunning, but on closer inspection and with my moderate ability to read Dutch this appears to be a price comparison site. It doesn't say where they got that price from of where one might be able to buy the speakers at that price :(



It seems that we were not referring to the same website after all. :) Btw, Kieskeurig, the website to which you refer is, as you say, a price comparison and buyer review site and I use it when cross-checking prices of say digital cameras, DVD players etc. It is quite a useful site.

However, as Markus said, the price you saw was definitely per speaker and not per pair. Most loudspeaker prices out here are quoted per stuk (singly) and not per pair although some enthusiast dealers are now quoting prices per pair. I know it's a bit misleading, but that's just the way it is. :)

Enjoy the music,

That explains the ridiculously low price then. Perhaps I won't be looking for a pair of C1s so soon after all :D . Now, you wouldn't happen to want to share the name of the site you were referring to would you? ;)

Paul V said:

Hope you enjoy meeting Kevin tomorrow. I'm sure you'll come away with something that sounds brilliant, whoever it's made by. The service there is second-to-none IMO.


Its next week now - I didn't realise it wasn't actually a shop but an appointment only kinda place and in my impatience I trolled over their Monday late lunchtime (its only a few miles from here). Anyways - I've made an appointment for next Wednesday. Hope I don't find it too intimidating - from the looks of the kind of top end kit they have up in their showroom my £1000 is peanuts. Didn't meet Kevin but a lady who I presume is his wife? daughter? anyway she was nice enough, but I am a little wary of many dealers these days who seem to look down their nose if you have less than the price of s mall car to spend.

Kevin and Lynn won't look down their nose at you. They are lovely people, the best dealers I've ever experienced. They do have some very delicious and very expensive kit though. Make sure you take your own records with you. Kevin likes classical music and may not have much of what you want to listen to.

that would be Lynn (his Mrs)

Shes a nice lady. I got cake and filter coffee once yum! :D

I would say Kevins record collection is Dance/Classical/Jazz/Indian-ethnic

If you like something else like Rock, then a few LPs wouldnt be a bad idea..

Hope you do go, appointments are the only way to go, because you will get a good hour + of their time, and it wouldnt work if people kept tromping in interupting you.

Well, impetuosity got the better of me - noticed an 18 month old Spacedeck with spacearm and a NA Tracer 1 cart on ebay this afternoon described as pristine (and looks it from the photos) with a few hours to go and secured it with £921 (which I think is about £500 off new maybe a bit more).

Why am I so impatient? Hope its worth it. Best go home now - time for beer and bingo.
No messing about about, eh Uncle Ants. Congrats, way to go.
the cartridge is pretty good (tracer 1).

I suppose you can now claw a little money back by selling it, or selling your shure (and I guess selling the Focus one too)

I hope you enjoy the new deck.

Not Analogue Mafia :D
bottleneck said:
the cartridge is pretty good (tracer 1).

I suppose you can now claw a little money back by selling it, or selling your shure (and I guess selling the Focus one too)

I hope you enjoy the new deck.

Not Analogue Mafia :D

Well we move to our new house at the end of january and the Michell will become the main source for our second system - the shure is likely to stay with it, but I do need to send it off to Shure for a stylus exchange. I'll see how I get on with the Tracer, but if I don't, maybe another Shure or maybe a high output MC (happy with the MM phono stage in the Densen, so even if I went low output I'd probably be looking for s stepup tranny rather than a new phono stage) - or maybe just swap em over and see how the Michell likes the Tracer - I really like the sound of the V15 though. I know nothing about the tracer, but I'm assuming the Spacearm is perfectly capable of something a lot better. Decisions, decisions :)

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