wadia-miester said:
I wouldn't worry too much sir, I've a few clients that prefer it over any TT they've heard, one even chopped a full mounty orbe in for it, but as we say hifi a funny old world!!!
I just smile these days, if it does it for you, why worry about it, every one else can do that for you!!!
I believe that's an unfair comparison sir?

Even taking into account the Orbe's price and adding to it a typical tonearm, cart, & phono stage, it will still be several thousands of pounds less than the 861 SE's GBP 10,000 price. Now, get a TT combo that approaches or even equates the price of the SE and things might be different wouldn't you say?
merlin said:
Why's that Lawrie? Surely no one on this forum is stupid enough to pay full UK retail price for such esoterica in these days of internet shopping?
Well, as far as I am aware (and correct me if I am wrong), only a tiny proportion of the U.K's audiophiles and music lovers use this forum. That means there must be a vast majority out there that do not use this forum or the internet to do their shopping and are willing to pay full retail with a dealer. Do a sample survey and you'll be amazed at how much some of your country men are willing to and do pay for exotica. Just last week, I listened to piece of equipment (with a view to buying but was left disappointed) which retails here for GBP 2,400 but in the U.K. the same item with absolutely no differences whatsoever, retails for GBP 4,500. That is the published official retail price in the U.K. Now, something tells me that the U.K. market (people) can sustain those sorts of price levels hence the fact that dealers are able to charge them. So, if I were to refer to that product and it's price on this or any other U.K. forum, I see it fit to use the U.K. retail price rather than any other.
Just going back to your comment, are the vast majority of the U.K. audiophiles
stoooopid for not using the internet to buy their gear? Well, I don't think so as not every one has the time to hang around these forums and may not be aware of what the same items cost elsewhere. Also, many prefer to buy from a dealer rather than the faceless internet. So, IMO, there are all sorts of reasons why your countrymen would choose to buy from a brand dealer with a known address but
stupid is not one of those reasons unless you know something I don't, considering you live in the U.K.?
Enjoy the music,