Bah! First the sub, now this...

Originally posted by Robbo
Sorry to hear about the Acram going wrong. I hope that you are able to get it fixed without too much trouble.
Thanks mate. I don't have time to do anything more about it until Monday. Busy weekend lined up. And I've got voting and drinking to do tonight :D
Originally posted by lowrider
Keeping my fingers crossed... :beer:
Well the beer was good...

...but the CD player is not happy :(

Perhaps I need to look around for a replacement. It is 5 years old after all. Where to start? I suppose the nearest equivalent is the Arcam DiVA CD93T. What else should I consider for around £1000. One or two spring to mind...

Arcam DiVA CD93T

Arcam FMJ CD33T

Meridian 507

Meridian G07

Sonneteer Byron
How about one of these........


Bloody good transport IMHO.

If you don't want the two box route you could get the CD 20 Player.

Hmmmm. I was decidedly underwhelmed by the DAC20. It simply wasn't in the same class as the Alpha 9. I think the TAG would be a step backwards.

I could consider recent secondhand machines. If I were buying a two year old that would bring to the party players like the Densen Beat 400XS or whatever it's called.

One caveat - it must be BLACK :torkmada:

(to match the rest of my kit :) )
Well, dont spank me for this sujestion... :shame:

You could get a pretty good Arcam FMJ DV27 used for that amount, with all the new useless features coming out (at least for me and probably for you), I compared it with for instance Michaelab's heavily modified TEAC and none come out a winner, as a bonus you could enjoy the many very nice DVDs and DTD 24/96 discs, to name a few, maybe even some very nice movies with fantastic soundtracks... :rolleyes:

Or the Denon 2900 that Merlin brags so much about...
Originally posted by lowrider
You could get a pretty good Arcam FMJ DV27 used for that amount...

Or the Denon 2900 that Merlin brags so much about...
Antonio, I did wonder about both of these. I have heard several systems at Bristol making very nice sounds only to discover a DV27 spinning the discs. Thing is I rarely watch movies and my PC can play them already anyway. I'd rather my cash was spent getting the most out of red book CDs rather than all that superfluous video circuitry. The DV27 is a fine machine though for anyone who wants high quality CD and DVD in one box.

I also heard a DENON 2900 making surprisingly nice sounds at Bristol in, I think, the PMC room. Again though I'd be paying for video circuitry that I don't really need.

I'm sure someone on this forum has a Sonneteer Byron. That looks an interesting machine.

Another nice looking machine is the Audio Analogue Maestro. That would match my ATC. Not sure how much they go for. Haven't actually heard one.
I rarely watch movies too, I dont bother renting or buying, just watch them on TV, but I almost only buy and watch DVD concerts nowadays, I find it much more enjoyable, most of the time, to watch the players as well, particularly some... ;)

I understand your point, but if you buy slightly used you get the bonus for not much more, with the new formats comming out everyday, prices go down more then with CDPs, at least the better ones...
ian (sideshow bob) has a soneteer so he may be along in a bit. iirc he tried a number of cdp's before choosing this one. having heard it at the myth busting day i must say it's a pretty fine cdp.

the maestro has recently been cut to just over a grand from nearly 1800. there are various 2nd hand ones floating about for 1400 ish so be careful - i've seen them for as low as 700. they also have the capability to act as a dac too which makes then quite versatile. heard one at bristol in the ukd room wasn;t blown away but it wasn;t offensive either.

you may want to have a listen to the naim cdp's (cd5i / cd5) too just for completeness and don;t forget to try the cd5 wiht the psu;s too.
why not look for an ex demo or 2nd hand fmj 23(?) with the ring dac?

Chris - here's an idea; don't laugh, but I've seen this kind of problem mentioned on both PFM and Naim in my time...

I reckon it's a buggered op amp in the output stage. Why not pop the hood, locate the op amps, and then buy cheapo replacements from Maplin or RS. If it doesn't fix it, you've only lost around £5 :) If it works.... :banana: :banana: :banana:
Originally posted by julian2002
why not look for an ex demo or 2nd hand fmj 23(?) with the ring dac?
Yes, forgot to mention that one. There don't seem to be any about at the moment.
Originally posted by domfjbrown
I reckon it's a buggered op amp in the output stage. Why not pop the hood, locate the op amps, and then buy cheapo replacements from Maplin or RS. If it doesn't fix it, you've only lost around £5 :) If it works.... :banana: :banana: :banana:
...then I can pull them out again and fit decent ones :)

I'll be opening up the REL and the Arcam next Monday so a component order will be going somewhere.
Hmmm. There seems to be two Audio Analogue Maestros.

First we have the Audio Analogue Maestro:


And then there's the Audio Analogue Maestro:


Originally posted by technobear
Hmmmm. I was decidedly underwhelmed by the DAC20. It simply wasn't in the same class as the Alpha 9. I think the TAG would be a step backwards.

TAGMCLAREN a step backwards from ARCAM :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: .

This is turning into a Fridays Joke Thread.

And that sure made me laugh.

Definitely worth looking at the Naims. My mates CD5i is a very good machine. Makes lovely music, and it's black. What about the Cyrus and a power supply as well.
You'll have fun listening anyway

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