Originally posted by technobear
Damn, I knew someone would ask that. I can't remember :shame: I know it was a helluva lot cheaper than the likes of Custom Audio Designs. Don't be fooled by 'special' Acoustic Mineral Wool. It's just Rockwool. It said so on the pack - underneath the carefully applied 'Acoustic Mineral Wool' label![]()
Right, I need some more so its off to the builders yard! They seem to just have a huge lot of bricks and blocks and so on. Is that the kind of place you were thinking of? I'll have to go ask them I suppose!
The tuning of the tubes wasn't that hard. I just started off with the neck 5cm too long (according to the calculator) and then shaved it down by 1 cm each time and took a measurement. I could see no difference at all until the neck got down to about 4cm long and it was working in the Reagan of 120hz. That's where I saw the change of 2db! Woohoo~~~
By the way, I do have my new monitors now - PMC AML1's
That's why I took a long time before I tried the tubes. They sound frigging amazing! Yes they are a bit harsh and bright but I am using them with my old NAD 3020 as a pre-amp. Soon my valve pre will arriv and I should be in business!!! These speakers have evil bass! I measure down to 28hz -6db.They only have a 6inch driver

Kewl anyhoo C ya!