No, that is world 2.
The scores in world 3 could be studied in a dream and brought back to worlds 2 and 1.
No, not even in your wildest dreams.
No, that is world 2.
The scores in world 3 could be studied in a dream and brought back to worlds 2 and 1.
I certainly do. I also think he has probably written a lot of new works since 1750. Of course they exist in World 3 only.bat: do you really think that bach's mind is still around? straight question, straight answer, please.
I certainly do. I also think he has probably written a lot of new works since 1750. Of course they exist in World 3 only.
You could have a look at Buhlman's book "Adventures beyond the body" - it has instructions how to do it.
Gee - I guess there's no parallel universe if Professor Dawkins says so. How silly I was.
I guess there must be a parallel universe if Swedenborg et al say so. How silly we are!
Do our minds persist after bodily death? I have an elaborate theory (which is published, but not in English yet) on this. I do not believe it does, but then I am a confessed materialist. I cannot prove that mind ceases to exist, but I think I can show how the normal mechanisms of mind fabricate the idea of mind immortality.
But I think I have a French version, so if you are interested, I can try to find it.
I'll try to answer this difficult question. First there is the massive evidence from Spiritualist phenomena. All of it cannot be dismissed.If I can bother you a little longer, may I ask you WHY you believe that your mind will persist after your body dies? This is of real interest to me, I am not asking just out of politeness.
Which theory do you buy (you can select only one):
Theory 1: the Art of Fugue is just dots on paper.
Theory 2: a parallel universe exists.
I'll try to answer this difficult question. First there is the massive evidence from Spiritualist phenomena. All of it cannot be dismissed.
Secondly, have a look at next Saturday's Lancet: Your comment on that?
To me, materialism is like believing that images that appear on the screen of the television receiver arise inside the set.