Bat's weird questions

Never mind world 3; I think you must be in a world of your own!

Forget it, he's dead, he is no more, he's pushing up daisies etc. etc.
I certainly do. I also think he has probably written a lot of new works since 1750. Of course they exist in World 3 only.

forget about world 3 for now. what do you mean: is his mind floating? is there life after death? is there a parallel world of the pure mind after bodily death? can you contact it?

is this what you mean?
I don't know everything but this I know:
there is life after death. There is a parallel world which existed before the big bang. I am not certain of the current state of Bach's afterlife but his mind certainly wasn't destroyed in 1750.
Probably he keeps on writing new beautiful music and having conversations with other deceased composers.

Yes, I can contact the parallel world, and so can you.
You have done it many times.

During dreams for instance.
But we are not aware of that. I don't even remember my dreams.
Later this year I plan to make an effort to contact it and remember afterwards what happened.
You could have a look at Buhlman's book "Adventures beyond the body" - it has instructions how to do it.

To get the really big picture,
there is also e.g Dr Shakuntala Modi's book "Memories of God and creation", which has lots of information not easily found elsewhere.
Of course, Allan Kardec's "Spirit's book", written originally in french, is a classic basic reference work and is available as a free download, as well as Swedenborg's works.

Etc., etc. There is so much evidence which is easy to find if you want to. Of course the truth is never told in TV, newspapers, etc., which are filled with politics, sports, celebrity gossip, etc.

And, according to William Blake, "This world of imagination is the world of eternity; it is the divine bosom into which we shall go after the death of the vegetated body. This world of imagination is infinite and eternal, whereas the world of generation, or vegetation, is finite and temporal. There exist in that eternal world the permanent realities of every thing which we see reflected in this vegetable glass of nature. All things are comprehended in their eternal forms in the divine body of the saviour, the true vine of eternity, the human imagination"

P.S. Of course I could be wrong (but I am not.)
Find out yourself. Actual proof (such as a guided parallel universe tour with souvenirs) I can't provide.
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You could have a look at Buhlman's book "Adventures beyond the body" - it has instructions how to do it.

And you have actually had out-of-body experiences following the instructions? Or only in your dreams?

William Blake, of course, was a follower of Swedenborg's ideas, so he would say that sort of thing.
It's all based on "visions" etc, and is just as much a system of belief as any other pseudo-religion, IMHO.
Gee - I guess there's no parallel universe if Professor Dawkins says so. How silly I was. :nuno:

What's the big deal - some people learn to fly helicopters, some to visit parallel universes. But let's keep this thread a musical one.

I think I should try to bring back some proof with me next time when I visit the parallel universe.

If a lost Bach score proves to be too difficult, could you suggest an easier task for me? Something very convincing that I could post here.:)

P.S. Johannes Greber's "Communication with the spirit-world of God" is also a classic.
Communication with God has been around a long time. It's called prayer.

Gee - I guess there's no parallel universe if Professor Dawkins says so. How silly I was.

I guess there must be a parallel universe if Swedenborg et al say so. How silly we are!
If there is no parallel universe, then a composition such as the Art of Fugue is just matter - protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.
Just dots on paper - ultimately the autograph score, in world 1.

But according to Popper's theory the AoF belongs to world 3, which is a parallel universe.

Which theory do you buy (you can select only one):
Theory 1: the Art of Fugue is just dots on paper.
Theory 2: a parallel universe exists.
Dear Bat:

It is not, I think, a question of either or, as you put it.
Dots on paper are just matter. Our interpretation of these dots happens in our mind.

The question is, therefore, this: are our minds different from matter? To our experience it certainly seems so. I personally do not believe minds exist independently of matter, but this is, perhaps, not the point.

The point is that music exists in your mind just as long as your mind exists. When YOU, I mean, yourself, die, music will be no longer in your mind.

It will exist in the minds of others, but it won't be the same music. So, as Pe-Zulu cogently pointed out, the art of fugue died with Bach.

P.S.: Do our minds persist after bodily death? I have an elaborate theory (which is published, but not in English yet) on this. I do not believe it does, but then I am a confessed materialist. I cannot prove that mind ceases to exist, but I think I can show how the normal mechanisms of mind fabricate the idea of mind immortality. So, I will definitely not follow your theory that Bach's mind is still around.

If I can bother you a little longer, may I ask you WHY you believe that your mind will persist after your body dies? This is of real interest to me, I am not asking just out of politeness.
Do our minds persist after bodily death? I have an elaborate theory (which is published, but not in English yet) on this. I do not believe it does, but then I am a confessed materialist. I cannot prove that mind ceases to exist, but I think I can show how the normal mechanisms of mind fabricate the idea of mind immortality.

Very interesting. Dommage that I don't understand Portuguese!
Well, it is possible that it will be published in French... English version has to wait a little longer. But I think I have a French version, so if you are interested, I can try to find it. When I say 'try to find it' I really mean it: with all troubles windows computers brought me I lost a lot of files and I am not sure the paper in French still exists in its final form.
Thanks for your interest.
If I can bother you a little longer, may I ask you WHY you believe that your mind will persist after your body dies? This is of real interest to me, I am not asking just out of politeness.
I'll try to answer this difficult question. First there is the massive evidence from Spiritualist phenomena. All of it cannot be dismissed.

Secondly, have a look at next Saturday's Lancet: Your comment on that?

To me, materialism is like believing that images that appear on the screen of the television receiver arise inside the set.
Which theory do you buy (you can select only one):
Theory 1: the Art of Fugue is just dots on paper.
Theory 2: a parallel universe exists.

No.1 is not a theory. The Art of Fugue is dots on paper! The fact that they can be interpreted to produce 'beautiful' music when played on musical instruments does not alter this. If the score (and all copies) were destroyed, and not replaced, in time the memory of it would fade and it would cease to exist.

No 2. is just a theory, and cannot be proven.
I'll try to answer this difficult question. First there is the massive evidence from Spiritualist phenomena. All of it cannot be dismissed.

Secondly, have a look at next Saturday's Lancet: Your comment on that?

To me, materialism is like believing that images that appear on the screen of the television receiver arise inside the set.

Dear Bat:
Thank you for your answer. Apart from what you said, do you FEEL that your mind will survive your body? If that is the case, WHAT do you feel?