Bat's weird questions

Interesting answers, bat.

I see you have edited out the comments about your reservations with the evolution theory. I have serious reservations with that theory too.

But your answers raise more questions:
Who or what created these souls? and if they have not always existed, when were they created? Why were they created with a need to change into something else; surely, if 'someone' created them, that someone must be more powerful and able to create something better?

Your analogy of a school is interesting. In school we build on previous knowledge, but in life, we cannot remember anything we have learned before (if we are reincarnated) so every lifetime we would make the same mistakes, and never learn from them. What would we learn from suffering the terrible things that many do suffer? Why do we murder millions by abortion if they are being reincarnated to 'grow'?
What can an insect learn that would merit its being reincarnated?

I am sorry to keep asking questions, but that is the way we learn, is it not?
Yes, on second thoughts I edited out my comments, because physical evolution belongs to World 1 and science does know a lot of World 1, although it doesn't have a clue about spirit-world. But if I have to choose, I will certainly drop my reservations rather than the evolution theory itself.

But it is difficult to know what has happened in the past. For example dating methods are often in disagreement.

Who or what created souls? The answer is obvious. When and why were they created? I think there is still evolution going on. In the past it was physical evolution. But new species do not appear any more. Now the evolution is spiritual.

If there is reincarnation, with each birth we are born with more subconscious experience, and we are given another chance. No one keeps repeating the same mistakes forever. An insect may progress to fish, snake, bird, mammal and one day to human. In fact that is what I currently regard as the most likely explanation, if pushed against the wall.

I think music offers a lot to us. Because, as I mentioned, it silences the inner materialist. Indian classical music is perhaps best, being wholly spiritual. On the other hand, so is Bach and many others. As you know, I like big questions. But I still don't have all the answers. Sometimes it is better just to put the record on and listen.
Your ideas have much in common with Hinduism; transmigration of souls, trying to reach nirvana (although they different groups of Hindus have differing ideas as to what nirvana is). They believe in 330,000,000 (or so) gods!

When you say the souls were created and that by whom is obvious, I assume you mean God. But which God? There are many gods worshipped (Hindu, Moslem, Christian, etc - and they are definitely not the same!)

I think the best thing to come out of this thread, is that the questions are still being asked. Once we stop asking questions, we stop learning.
As for me, I believe the Bible, and my beliefs are based on that. I think there is plenty of evidence that the Bible is not only accurate, but also inspired by God. Its definition of "soul" is a "breather" (from the original Hebrew terms used) so that I do not possess a soul, but I am one. When I die, and stop breathing, the soul will have died.

Back to the music, now!