best amps?

Originally posted by HenryT
I presume the A21a power amp is identical to the A21a integrated but obviously without the pre section?

Yes indeed. I'm selling mine in case anyone's interested!:)
I had it hooked up to a Sugden Headmaster pre-amp (another cracking product) but at the end of the day the Lavardin IT just has a bit more depth. And so it should at more than 3 times the price.
Accuphase A50, maybe...
Assuming we're talking power amps exclusively, of course.
Originally posted by alanbeeb
Why do people needs hundreds of watts?
It's mainly for control rather than ball-bouncing volume. But it allows bb volume, too.

The best power amps are those which are specifically designed/matched to their load ;-)
Best amp I've for for sheer grunt and control was the big Boulder 1000w beast. Definite scale and power!
And for finesse, probably the Hovland Sapphire.
Honourable mentions must also go to the Sugden Masterclass (only heard the integrated - the pre/power combo may be even better), and the Lavardin IT (though it was a bit lacking in power - the IS ref even more so, no use at all to power hungry speakers like mine:( )
In theory a well designed class A transistor amp should be the "best", as it will have lower distortion, wider bandwidth and higher damping factor than other designs, including valves and class D/T designs.

However, we're all well aware that the numbers on paper tell you little about how something will actually sound.

Big power is important for reproducing sharp transients, even at modest listening levels because the sudden change in voltage level is accompanied by a massive current demand from the speakers. If that current is not available then the slew rate of the amplifier may well be limited, softening the transient.

I am thinking of getting a s/h Sugden A21 intregrated,is it really that low on power? I have 4ohm 86db speakers,would it really struggle? I rarely have music on loud,no more than 10oclock
I heard it when demo'ing my ART 3 ways kept cutting out accompanied by strange noises like digital artifacts, to get any decent volume was nigh om impossible, these speakers are 8ohm 89db and fairly easy drive, this was replaced by Pathos Logos intgd which had no problem whatsoever this amp is not known for loudness either Sugden was subsequently checked and found to be ok, I also dem'ed my xa50's with these speakers and could get earbustin' levels, I would strongly recommend auditioning in the home with your own equipment and surroundings, quite musical but not enough grunt for me.
Originally posted by alanbeeb

Why do people needs hundreds of watts?

Mahler at "realistic" volumes can happily jump from 0.5W to 200W in the space of a semiquaver :D
Originally posted by Saab

I am thinking of getting a s/h Sugden A21 intregrated,is it really that low on power? I have 4ohm 86db speakers,would it really struggle? I rarely have music on loud,no more than 10oclock

I happily used a sugden a21 with a pair of harbeth Hp3-es for a while, they are only 83dbW but I think their impedence curve is quite friendly. I also tried it with Living Voice Avatar - excellent combo. I changed the Harbeths for AudioPhysic Tempo III when I moved to a detached house (best hifi upgrade ever) but the sugden was perfectly happy driving them depite them being 4ohm rated (and having a dippy impedence curve). But I tend not to like loud so maybe I never pushed the amp very hard.
As others have said - try it first. I personally think that if you listen at sensible domestically friendly levels the Sugden will probably be OK. What speakers are they?
Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
In theory a well designed class A transistor amp should be the "best", as it will have lower distortion, wider bandwidth and higher damping factor than other designs, including valves and class D/T designs.


At the price, the ATC SIA2-150 is a tough act to follow ;)
Originally posted by PeteH
Mahler at "realistic" volumes can happily jump from 0.5W to 200W in the space of a semiquaver :D

Arh another common misconspection here watts, its the pure grunt (raw current generation) that is required here, ultra fast transient responce time. slam-tastic mate :D
Hi BlueMax,
I noted with interest your comment about the possibility of a Pioneer HDMI stereo amp.
Can you explain what HDMI is .... for a non-techie.

I have recently bought the new Pioneer 969 DVD/SACD/DVD-A/CD player which has and HDMI terminal (whatever that is) but I can tell you this player is a huge improvement over my Sony ES for both picture and all formats of music replay. I am really impressed with it ..... and it only cost me USD780.

I know it is almost mandatory for us music enthusiasts to rubbish the mainstream Japanese players and products generally out of hand and without listening. But I sometimes suspect that the R & D budgets of some of the big companies like Pioneer, Denon, Yamaha etc do in fact enable them to come up with some pretty remarkable products at reasonable prices.
the marantz model 8b & model 9, should defintely feature on anybody's list. of the modern bunch, halcro seem to be very well regarded. i am biased, but i think most of the VAC amps are fantastic. plus VAC makes an updated version of the marantz 8b!
Originally posted by merlin
For me there is no question

Once you have heard these .....

Nothing else has come close sadly, but maybe one day:D

Merlin, are you aware the Arbiters are based on a design from a small German company called Horch? The designer thinks he has made a few advances since he did the Arbiters ...
I heard Halcrow on 3 occations (including a rather special set up) and they've left me with the feeling of "So this is what £20K sounds like eh?" nothing really special at all (not in the systems I've listened too)
Another Highly regarded amp is the Lamm, humm again can't see what all the fuss is about :confused: I even invested in a Lamm pre not so long back, that didn't stay long :rolleyes:
Now one amp not mentioned and I don't know why is Jeff Rowland, now thats half about :)
I heard the Halcros recently (including the Halcro pre) playing into some Sonus Faber Stradivaris (another £20K) and using a Krell KPS-25c CD player as a source and was left distinctly underwhelmed. If that's what £60Ks worth of system sounds like (including the meters of Nordost Valhalla that was hooking up the system) then no thanks, I'll keep mine :)


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