best buy, worst buy, why?

Best Buy - My Michell Focus One - because I love it - not just the way it sounds, but the way it looks and feels - I just love owning it.

Worst Buy - Rotel RCD991 - bought it new, now worth fraction of what I paid and its overwhelmingly average. You can't put your finger on exactly what the problem is - there's nothing it does badly - its just boring.
Funny that because your system is very similair to mine in it's outlook, and and Rotel sounds great with my Linn amp and Kef 35.2's. Just goes to show how much synergy plays a part
Best buy:

M-Audio Superdac - banished the harshness so I can listen to music all day without any discomfort....

Worst buy:

Marantz CD4000 - Looks so cheap, was so cheap, sounds so harsh (though this is somewhat down to the speaker cable)...I'd replace this if I could reasonably afford to get something a lot better.
Best Buy: Dynaudio Audience 52se speakers

Worst: A Continental Grand Prix 20c front tyre for my racing bike. It did about 10 feet before I hit a flint and tore a hole in the sidewall.:mad:
Worst buy: room,house,dreadful acoustics,PITA neighbour,hence for sale.

Loewe Xemix DVD player,unreliable,buscuit tin build.
Marantz PM44SE,flat as a pancake,

Best:Audiolab 8000A some hate it,but i really enjoyed the years I had with this.
California Audilolab "alpha" DAC,Bel canto,and Rega P25.
Stebbo - re your Conti Tyres grief... I use the same (NOT cheap - around £20 per corner...!)... I found my first pair developed hairline cracks ALL over the treads within a few months... however I stuck with them (foolish?) and my current Grand Prix's are doing a lot better - I opt for the 23c size as I find them a little bit less of a pain in the rear (literally) - only thing that narks me is Conti's own interpretation of BLUE - if you have a nice ROYAL BLUE bike to attach them to and base your colour matching on their brochure illustrations/photos you are in for a surprise... more like a kind of turquoizy-sea-greeny- blue (yuck).

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