Bought a new car

Yeah as longs as it has a decent amount of MOT, some sort of service history, no knocks or rattles from the engine, no smoke etc it is probably going to be good for £750. It will probably need the usual heater control valves etc but its all cheap. The thing to watch with the Zetec 1.25 is that 5/30 has been used, other stuff burns up the valves.
Well it's tipping down here so if that keeps up it's a perfect time to check those carpets, especially around the bottom of the doors (known fault, almost all of them hold water in the doors until their opened then it drains) and around the top of the passenger footwell carpet - the last thing you want is a smelly damp car.
Well its sunny here :shock. I am close to Cheshire too.

That reminds me though its always a good idea to check for a failed heater matrix as well.

I ve just thought of a new vocation for you....forget all about IT....

write a book on buying a used car, specifcally elderly Fiestas and other compact cars

only kidding


The worst part is it should be fun trying to find a car, I am trying to run a business and at the same time travel all round Manchester looking at sheds. When ever I phone up I tend todo all the question asking then it does reduce the wasted journeys some what.

There is 22 Fiestas on Autotrader under £1k and within 10 miles of me, none of even seem worth looking at.
The worst part is it should be fun trying to find a car

I hate looking for new cars as much as I love them, it's so much hassle going from place to place only to know within seconds (even if someone's smoked in it I won't buy it) that it's not the car for me.

Then comes the bartering, then the paperwork, then the getting someone to drop you off to pick it up etc etc, total PITA - that's why I'm trying to help you out as much as possible :)
I hate looking for new cars as much as I love them, it's so much hassle going from place to place only to know within seconds (even if someone's smoked in it I won't buy it) that it's not the car for me.

Then comes the bartering, then the paperwork, then the getting someone to drop you off to pick it up etc etc, total PITA - that's why I'm trying to help you out as much as possible :)

hehe I've been there plenty of times before. It frustrates me when I see so many good looking cars which I would buy that for £800, but none of them are ever for sale.

Spilt milk AT. (cut your losses etc etc)

I'm sure its not the first.....I dare say it won't be the last.

I wish all my mistakes had just cost £100.


it's a bit of a hobby horse.......
I would certainly take a look at Isaacs neighbours car

Isaac's, neighbour's

It's a bit of a hobby horse..........
And it's apostrophe on the outside by a head from plural pronoun! The 13-1 on favourite takes it here in the grammatical derby!
This is why one should never comment on grammer :D.

My problem is I type far too quickly and don't read what I post, which always results in stupid spelling mistakes, typos and grammer errors.
I can't believe I spent grammar wrong, as this is somethign I usually correct :(.

Anyway went to see a 'perfect' car today, it was a 96 P reg Fiesta 1.3 with 41k and previous owner, now this had the wrong engine and wrong spec, so I thought if its perfect I would offer £700. I got there, the wheel arches were rotten and there was holes in the parcel shelf. I would have been happy to offer £500 for it, but nothing more.

Going with a haggler mate tomorrow to Bury to see how far he can get off a Mondeo or something, he reckons I miht be able to get a 2001 Mondeo/Primera etc for less than £1k, but insurance will be a problem.

It is just so hard trying to fit jobs in and at the same time goign all round Manchester looking for cars.
This is why one should never comment on grammer :D. .

No, true enough, I shouldn't have really.

We all do this one, I do it myself in speech occassionlally (my Dad does it regularly) but it winds me up when I hear it on TV from presenters who are paid to get stuff right (especially when i feel sure it is done to be fashionably wrong....or as a giimmick).

My problem is I type far too quickly and don't read what I post, which always results in stupid spelling mistakes, typos and grammer errors.

As Bob has pointed out, we all do it.

Apologies AT, it was ungentlemanly of me to comment on it.

I should be more careful, the only time I am ever careful is when writing business emails or how to guides for my customers.
Anyway went to see a 'perfect' car today, it was a 96 P reg Fiesta 1.3 with 41k and previous owner, now this had the wrong engine and wrong spec, so I thought if its perfect I would offer £700. I got there, the wheel arches were rotten and there was holes in the parcel shelf. I would have been happy to offer £500 for it, but nothing more.

Why are you sooooooo obsessed with Ford feckin' Fiestas? I cannot for the life of me see the attraction. Happy to pay £500 for a rusty Fiesta, are you stark raving mad? Surely there must be better options, I can't believe things could be so much different to here, and if it is I suggest a day trip outside Greater Manchester.

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