brit hifi, the best!!

Hi MartinC,

My parents used to have an Alba 'Radiogram' in the 60s/ early 70s. Very fine it was too. It was made in England. They were listed in Hifi year books of yester year. I think the controlling interest was bought by a far east company. I have a soft spot for that Alba, as it helped to get me into music, records & hifi. :cool:

Wilson Benesch, how could I have missed that one. :eek: They are made in my home city.

And if we're listing British speaker companies it would be remiss not to mention Seventh Veil Loudspeakers.

- you swines :)
SCIDB said:
My parents used to have an Alba 'Radiogram' in the 60s/ early 70s. Very fine it was too. It was made in England. They were listed in Hifi year books of yester year. I think the controlling interest was bought by a far east company. I have a soft spot for that Alba, as it helped to get me into music, records & hifi. :cool:

Ah, I'm only familiar with 'modern' Alba, starting with my very first personal stereo, which was impressively awful, or so I discovered once I heard an alternative.

SCIDB said:
Wilson Benesch, how could I have missed that one. :eek: They are made in my home city.

It's easy to forget the familiar. I'm amazed how many companies you and data came up with!
wadia-miester said:
Soneeter arn't british either

Serpently are. Remo and Haider, who ran (or maybe still run) a concert promotion company, FTM Marketing, design and build all the Sonneteer range in Kingston Upon Thames. Most of their more enthusiastic distributors are based in the Netherlands and Germany, which is why most of their sales go there rather than the UK. They're starting to market in Japan too.

-- Ian
I was looking as the Soneeteer Sedly phono stage the other day,It's now £500 in the UK,so while looking on the Sonneteer site I saw they have a distributer in Spain it was nearly 1200 €uros,p*** takers.
<blatent plug>

As it happens Adam, I have a Sedley in mint condition you can have for what I paid for it (£200 plus shipping). I've just scored an ex-dem Tom Evans Microgroove Plus and the Sedley is surplus to requirements. Nice phono stage, very flexible on the loading front. PM me if you're interested.

</blatent plug>

-- Ian
Celestion - used to be made in my home town of Ipswich!
Ruark I believe are British
Sonic Link made SS amps
Isn't NAD a British company by origin? I know they are made in China but I thought they were British designed.

Some other British companies that have made HIFI:

Castle Acoustics, Neat, Art Audio, Bandor, Jordan, Sugden, EAR, Lumley.

Radford, Leak
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amazingtrade said:
Isn't NAD a British company by origin? I know they are made in China

Indeed they are. The Silverline stuff is made in Denmark though, for some odd reason.

Fisher company was American. They produced one of the first transistor hifi amps in the mid 50s. Sanyo own Fisher now.

NAD are currently Canadian I believe, but you may be right, I think they may have been British in origin. Not sure.


There is hardly anything that is British made today. Infact hardly any country in the world can claim to make anything 100%.

The Hifi may be assembled in the UK bit its component parts are sourced from abroad. That is the global economy.

Your car, clothes, computer, house, carpet, food, TV, pictures on the wall, cutlery, condoms or whatever, all have foreign input.

This topic is sterile by definition.

Do not be depressed, we benifit from international trade.


Slop my sloppy little chap

Even your good cables have foreign input.

This is the age of global trading, there is NOTHING that is 100% uk made.



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