brit hifi, the best!!


Here are some more,

Tube technology
Samuel Johnson

JPW I should have remembered that. JPW were so underated considering they make some brilliant stuff its a shame they have not been able to keep up with the likes of Mission and the new chineese owned Wharfdale.

With regard to manufactering the UK car industry is now booming. It is apparantly the most highly favoured country in the world to build cars now due to good industrial relations and high efficiency. Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Pegouet, Rover, Ford, VW, General Motors all build cars here as well as companies I have probably forgot.

It is a shame not much HIFI is made here anymore although I think some Pioneer CD players may be British made unless that factory has closed.
gm and ford both closed long standing factories in essex and bedfordshire quite recently moving them to europe (iirc).

Cambridge Audio (good stuff like Azur at entry level) and
AVI Laboratory, higher up

Where does set ups like Affordablevalvecompany and Russ Andrews stand?
julian2002 said:
gm and ford both closed long standing factories in essex and bedfordshire quite recently moving them to europe (iirc).


Ford still make engines in Essex though although not cars. So have Vuaxhall completly pulled out of making cars in the UK now? Isn't Elsmere Port still there I thought they built the new Astra there?
mick parry said: on the wall...

Surely not too many folks own those Chinese mass produced oil paintings? I can say for certain none of my paintings originated in the far east.
not sure about elsmere port but i do know that the big factory(s) at luton went, taking varous other local small businesses with them a few years ago - much wailing and gnashing of teeth locally.

corr this thread has moved on....

Tom Evans WM? isnt' he some back alley guy that knocks up some homemade junk in his back shop?

Phew, Dean could easily outdo me on knowledge in a pub quizz, why don't you go on mastermind? british hifi from 60s to the present day( with a leaning to valve stuff) :D

We don't talk about affordable valve guy on here, he committed the unforgivable. mind you, check this out when I was looking thro' loot..he's even here!!|=el34&search_categories=3812&type_of_ads=all

Samuel Johnson??? Sounds like one of those Nigerian scammers on hififorsale.

I don't get your meaning Mick Parry, sterile thread? suggestion, what about being able to combine quotes from multiple people in one thread? How tough to implement?
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titian said:
Yes, brit hifi is the best!!
BlueMax said:
Cambridge Audio (good stuff like Azur at entry level) and
AVI Laboratory, higher up

Where does set ups like Affordablevalvecompany and Russ Andrews stand?
leonard smalls said:
Now sadly defunct as well - though Nic lives on as Isotek (which you could call a hifi company!)
Lt Cdr Data said: suggestion, what about being able to combine quotes from multiple people in one thread? How tough to implement?
Is this what you mean? Just open another window for each quote and then do a bit of cutting and pasting.
Hi Ian (Data),

Phew, Dean could easily outdo me on knowledge in a pub quizz, why don't you go on mastermind? british hifi from 60s to the present day( with a leaning to valve stuff)

I'll bear than in mind. But I prefer pub music quizes. I'm on a good roll at the moment. I have won 8 out of the last 10 I have entered. I finished runner up in the other 2.

Samuel Johnson??? Sounds like one of those Nigerian scammers on hififorsale.

It does dosen't it. Samuel Johnson was a scottish company that made a pre & power combo. I don't think it was a big seller as Russ Andrews seems to have bought into the company. Have a look at the links below.


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