Bush joke

7_V said:
I believe that I'm right in saying that 15 of the 16 non-pilot terrorists involved in 9/11 were Saudi nationals and this was by design, not by accident.

Thus the Americans became queasy about the stability and 'reliability' of Saudi Arabia as a future supplier of oil, fearing the possibility that Saudi might go the way of Iran. Bin Laden's plan was to drive a wedge between Saudi Arabia and the USA. It worked.

Does that clarify?

Yes, thanks. Mind you, personally I can't see it. Saudi Arabia is not only the site of Islam's two most holy places but also the territory of the Wahabis, one of the most puritanical of the Islamic sects. They have always fought hard against secularism and enemies of Islam. Saudis played a big part in the mujahedin who fought the Russians in Afghanistan and they were natural allies of the equally puritanical Taliban. That, plus the ability of Saudis to fly to the USA without problems made them natural candidates. And the plans to hit Iraq were already on the drawing board long before 11 September. So, when the war on terrorism wasn't going that well (and the maxim is that, in order to be popular and electable at home, you have to fight a successful foreign war), Bushy boy only had to dust off the plans.

To me, the preparedness to sacrifice 1000 (and counting) US lives and ten times that number (and counting) Iraqi lives for his own political ambition makes this cowboy the very worst type of villain.
tones said:
To me, the preparedness to sacrifice 1000 (and counting) US lives and ten times that number (and counting) Iraqi lives for his own political ambition makes this cowboy the very worst type of villain.

Sums it up nicely Tones.
I find one frightening, and that is that the american voters seem to vote on who has the nicest hair/singing voice blah blah. Looks like old bushy boy will get another term:(
tones said:
... To me, the preparedness to sacrifice 1000 (and counting) US lives and ten times that number (and counting) Iraqi lives for his own political ambition makes this cowboy the very worst type of villain.
Sadly, just another political leader.

If you were to rank the great world despots we've had over the last 100 years in order of 'degree of villainy', GW wouldn't even make the top 20.
the thing is even when he's no longer in power his policies and decisions will still be killing people.

7_V said:
Sadly, just another political leader.

If you were to rank the great world despots we've had over the last 100 years in order of 'degree of villainy', GW wouldn't even make the top 20.

In absolute terms, absolutely correct, but this person claims to be Christian, democratic, caring, devout. This person claims to lead the way in a country that claims to lead the way in freedom, truth and righteousness. This person is a total hypocrite. As his alleged Master would say, he is a whitewashed tomb:

which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean


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