many thanks guys
i have indeed joined and began a thread on the IB forum
i'm already learning good stuff
they have some strong opinions on kit. the amps are available over here (Behringer europower 2500 is the hands down favourite), the drive units i'm enquiring about.
there's a strong chance this thread might follow a process that began with a question here and ends with an IB installation
i've spoken to my builder in detail about knocking two holes in my ceiling, and it's not a problem as it coincides nicely with other work.
we're going to create two loft acces sized hatches, roughly above the main speakers (i haven't sussed that bit yet. there's formulas and computer programs to tell me exactly where)
meantime joiner is building two boxes, cube shaped and open on one side.
(apologies to diyers.
me got ten thumbs and cack hands)
these will sit above the openings with the open side downward.
from the lounge you see two holes, stand underneath you see the box interior.
from the loft you see the whole box, probaly sitting atop the joists (tba), and
you will also see the magnets and the back of the speakers, the fronts facing inward (or down). in each cube it is possible to mount 4 drivers, 1 or 2 being the opitmum. two can be used facing each other- this will cancel some mechanical vibration for those concerned about neighbours or structural damage (!). a single driver works best aimed at the floor, apparently.
so i'm deciding how many drivers to use; today i'm thinking start with one 18 in each box, with a view to having two in each box eventually. nine or twelve is possible (see pics at the cult of the infinitely baffled)
i'm taking the phased approach so i can get the best drivers may be that 2 will be plenty with the better drivers, but i think i will end up blowing them, so better to run twice as many half as hard
they say 5 hz at high spls availiable
what does THAT feel like??:JOEL:
worlds colliding?
if this works i'm looking a "sticky"