can i turn my house into a horn?

A picture says a thousand words!


That is what I would do. I would not rely on the manifold enclosure to connect the drivers vibration wise, the connecting rods are very important IMO.

no-one on the IB forum seems to have done it like that- i'll ask
I know what you mean, it is instinctive to think about listening to the front of the drivers when nearly every speaker you see is like that, but it really makes no difference for bass. Have a look at the Wilson Benesh stuff, some of that has a 'clam-shell' isobaric design that has a woofer mounted on the front of the speaker with its ugly backside facing the world.
The Kilomax 18 sounds intriguing, especially with its accordion surround. It's good that the site mentioned some accordion types are okay, but I'd definitely want to look into that more.
Underfloor horns are certainly a thing. Big as you like within foundations area and the horn mouths come up into the corners of the room. There's an article in a late 70's/early 80's HiFi News for a DIY design in fact. Horns in the attic or an upstairs room entering the listening room at corners of ceiling also.

Another (non horn) option for "house as hi fi" is to set Tannoy dual concentric drivers into a wall so that the room behind is "the cabinet".