When you say it models all those things to determine the best speaker placement, in what way does it model them? Do you mean it uses them to give you an RT60 curve? Or do you mean it can actually model all the specular reflections time of arrival and amplitude at the listener position? That might be interesting, but IME the modal behavior is more important and the two rarely co-inside with regards to best speaker position. Something like this - [URL]http://www.hunecke.de/en/calculators/loudspeakers.html[/URL] ...will allow you to model speaker and listener position with regards to modal behavior. So you can get the best speaker position from that, then maybe tweak a little by ear. From there you might want to know the RT60 curve, so you write down the main materials in the room and the surface area of each. Do a few quick calculations on a bit of paper and you have your answer. From that you can work out what amount of absorption you need to achieve your RT60 target curve. The last port of call might be the reflections and their time of arrival. That is easy as you can work out where the first reflection points are and treat them. You now have ideal speaker position wrt modal behavior, a good RT60 curve and a well defined initial-delay-gap free from first order reflections. What else do you need to know for getting your system and room set-up?