Cartridge Porn

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Sorry to revive this (great) thread from the dead, but could someone tell me if cartridges like the Kiseki Mission 773 or Supex 900/901 fit on present day tonearms?

I'm contemplating going for one of these classic elements or something more modern like the Goldring Eroic H. I need high output MC so my choices are a bit limited. Any other tips?
Sorry to revive this (great) thread from the dead, but could someone tell me if cartridges like the Kiseki Mission 773 or Supex 900/901 fit on present day tonearms?

I'm contemplating going for one of these classic elements or something more modern like the Goldring Eroic H. I need high output MC so my choices are a bit limited. Any other tips?

Hi and welcome.

Those models have standard fixing holes so will fit any modern arm.
Supex 900 series are a little long in the body so there might be one or two headshells were it's a tight fit.

The important consideration is the compliance which is low on the Supex and low-medium on the Mission. So they'll prefer a higher mass arm for best results, or a damped arm if that isn't possible.

I have a Mission 773 myself awaiting a new tip. I'll get to it one of these days.
Hi and welcome.

Those models have standard fixing holes so will fit any modern arm.
Supex 900 series are a little long in the body so there might be one or two headshells were it's a tight fit.

The important consideration is the compliance which is low on the Supex and low-medium on the Mission. So they'll prefer a higher mass arm for best results, or a damped arm if that isn't possible.

I have a Mission 773 myself awaiting a new tip. I'll get to it one of these days.

Hi Rob, (are you dutch?)

thanks for the answer! Maybe it's because i am a non-native english speaker, but what do you mean with compliance?

I have a Clearaudio Satisfy arm, is that a higher mass arm?
Some Supex 900E's were so low in compliance the tracking, even at 2.25g, was awful (I have one of these with a still good diamond). Another sample I have tracks all-but flawlessly at 1.8g in a medium mass tonearm and sounds absolutely sublime, really playing to vinyl's strengths :)

Compliance in this instance - (inverse) the force it takes to move the cantilever at the stylus end back and forth - the lower the compliance, the 'stiffer' the suspension is and the higher the compliance, the easier it is to move (hope this makes some sort of sense to you)
I'm not dutch.

Looking at the Clearaudio site there is no figure for effective mass on the Satisfy model. A similar looking current model lists at 9gm which is low-medium and looking at the Satisfy it certainly won't be high. I'd say that it appears less than ideal for a Supex without some mass loading - you need around another 5g or so at the headshell as a minimum.

The modern Goldring models are excellent and sit around 18-20cu in compliance. The Supex was around 8cu IIRC and as Dave says some were lower.
Hi, thak you DSJR & Rob for the answers. if i understand it correctly, the stifness of the Supex needs more "inertia" from the tonearm mass?

Looking up the specs from the clearaudio site my arm weights 233 Gr excl weight / 350 Gr incl weight.

So I take it both of you advise to go for a more modern cartridge like the Goldring? Are there other cartridges in this pricerange MC high output that you could recommend?
Thank you DSLR and Rob for the answers, that was very informative. If I understand correct the stiffness of the Supex 901 needle suspensions needs more mass "inertia" from a heavier tone arm?

According to the Clearaudio site the total weight of the Satisfy is 233 gr, direct wire (including wiring?) is 350 gr.

If I post a link the post seems to go missing, but it's in the archives of Clearaudio website.

So would you advise going with a Goldring Eroica instead?
Personally yes, I'd look at the Eroica, or perhaps the Denon DL110 which is excellent.

If you want to spend a little more the Goldring Elite is nice and probably a better match for a Supex in terms of overall quality. I use one.
Any experience with the Benz Micro Silver by any chance?

A bit more affordable than the Goldring Eroica H, compliance at 15cu should be decent, output is a bit lower at 2mV/dB compared to the Goldring.
No direct experience but they make excellent cartridges as a rule. Benz also make models for other companies and have a good reputation. It should work well on the Clearaudio arm.
thanks Rob (and DSJR) for the advise.

I see a good deal on the Benz Micro Silver, so I will be going for that one!