Cartridge Porn

No idea how much that costs. Looks a bit like the MySonic stuff, though.
As we all know (don't we?), there are more cartridge brands than there are people capable of building and designing them.
Good Spot Joel. Same guy who was resonsible for a number of other well respected carts before setting up My Sonic Element. The Air Tight is getting some very good press indeed.
My old Garrott Decca Mcroscanner with GB clamp and a bling Dynavector DV17:


I will be curious to hear about the air tight - it seems to be getting a lot of hype.
I've just got my Einstein TU2 tonight

I'll post some porn later but first I have to:

a. Undress it, er, I mean take it out of the box

b. Get a camera

c. Get it on an arm and get it playing

It looks Brand new and unused, box and cart in cosmetically mint condition. 700 Euros inc postage? A good deal?
Here it is, sorry about the quality.




Need to tidy up those wires when I can be bothered. I'm going to cut them down and re-solder the tags.

BTW, It's great I love it and will post a review* soon.

*my opinion
looks great. Can you tell us the differences of the Tubaphon compared with the original and the new Brinkmann modified units? Are the Brinkmann mods just structural?

Must be a pig mounting it.
I'll have to ask an expert to be certain but as far as I am aware the Tubaphon / Einstein (who are these people) mods are just the removal of the headshell and outer body of an an EMT xsd/tsd* 15 cartridge.

My TU2 is loaded capacitively**, you can see the small green capacitors on the side of the body. I don't think the Brinkman one is, I certainly can't see the capacitors on the side of it. There was a discussion on here some time ago about that subject I think. The Brinkman is also supposed to be different structurally, with a mounting plate above the main body and integral cartridge tags. It is meant to make it more rigid. It also makes it cost 1795.00 quid. Details can be found at:

Here's a picture for comparison:


The Brinkman weighs in at 11gm. I measured mine using my Clearaudio Cartridge scale at around 7 grams so there is indeed a fair bit of extra material in there.

I've heard that they are both similar to the Roksan Shiraz which is also a slightly modified EMT. Be nice to see a picture of that if anyone has one. Mounting it was fine, the DV505 has a detachable headshell thank god. Don't think I'd have fancied doing it in a one piece non - removable arm tube though. The little guards either side of the stylus are a great idea.

*The XSD and TSD cartridges are the same cart but with a different headshell mounting for EMT (XSD) and SME (TSD) type head shells.

** I know what a capacitor is and does but don't know what 'loaded capacitively means.'
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Is it made by Einstein in Germany, they make some interesting amps as well, a zotl amongst others.
Coops, cheers, I knew it was German. Bought it from a nice bloke called Dieter.

However, I never saw anything else about them. I've just googled 'Einstein Amps' and got the soundscape link:

They look interesting don't they? Soundscape seem to be pretty good at putting out better info than the actual manufacturers do. Hutter racks being a prime example.
Mike Hi yes you are quite correct, I heard one of their pre's and the OTL power amps they were pretty good.
The brinkmann has the motor assembly, stylus and cantilever worked on by VDH and then Brinkmann further reworks the cartridge himself. No caps are on the cartridge and cap loading in the phono stage is definately required.
I've just received a sample of the Allnic Verito:

Impedance is 28 ohms
Tracking force 2g
Elliptical stylus
Aluminium cantilever
Each channel has its own coil - very like the cutting head on a cutting lathe.

Report to follow :)