CAT5 Speaker Cable

Anex said:
the one in the pic doesn't even look long enough to reach from the speaker bind post to the floor?
That's because it was a sample run produced for it's first showing at CES in 2004. This was purely for the touchy, feely, lets see how this is made media guys ;)
I have a couple of short runs myself spare, they were made for a custom who was using SET monoblocs that were sited very close to his speakers. I think my runs are about 3 ft long.

heard them in a lamm/wadia system. 3 hour listen. not sure how new they were. they didn't really do much for me, and not sure i could live with 2 pieces of pasta in my living room. sorry.
cab586 said:

heard them in a lamm/wadia system. 3 hour listen. not sure how new they were. they didn't really do much for me, and not sure i could live with 2 pieces of pasta in my living room. sorry.

That sound slike one of Simon Phipps systems, must be a personal taste thing then ;)

Simon thinks they are the best thing since 'sliced pasta' :)
yes LE, probably a personal taste thing. IMO a v. expensive system producing a rather slow and bloated sound. not sure the wadia was very happy.
wadia-miester said:
Lamm & wad's hoooo nooo, what a mismatch :( I find Lamm terminaly boring and very over rated as is Halcro amplification IMHO I stated previously, this cable does have the tendancy to reveal other weaknesses in the system ;)
is it true?

Does the Mr Motivator belt-cable have the ability to suck in the mid-band?
Reduce flabby bass?
mosfet said:
Ribbon cable or single wide flat conductor?

Full technical specs can be obtained from their designer, Mr. Paul Garner who can be reached at: [email protected]

It's a flat copper foil in brief, available in 1", 2", & 4" widths in the speaker cable line. I also understand that there is an interconnect range too.

There is at least one other similar product out there in the marketplace which an old contact of mine in Denmark (former audio dealer), tested against my sample Verbatim and they are very different sonically. In all our comparison tests the Verbatim come out on top.

One reason for this has been put down to the termination process used by the competitor. The Verbatim cable is very carefully wrapped/folded at each cable each so that the foil can be terminated direct to the plug/spade. The competitor uses a technique of soldering the foil to a reducing conductive material so it can be terminated to the plug/spade.

The Verbatim have been around for a few years but only as a 'custom order' product (Paul makes each set himself), but I understand that they are better set up for retail now.
Isnt it just the same basic thing as Goertz M1/2 and Electrofluidics monolith stuff? (always wanted to try some - some amps dont like it as it presents too high a capacitive load i think) Can make em yerself by unwinding quality air core chokes.
Isnt it just the same basic thing as Goertz M1/2

The Goertz has both wide flat conductors separated by a thin dielectric ââ'¬â€œ hence the relatively high parallel capacitance. The Verbatim, it appears, is just a single conductor used in pairs.

Why the choice of this geometry (in the case of the Verbatim) I'm not sure, increased surface area? I'd email the man but I'm afraid the answer would probably involve skin and proximity effect ââ'¬â€œ ho-hum.
ListeningEar said:
There is at least one other similar product out there in the marketplace which an old contact of mine in Denmark (former audio dealer), tested against my sample Verbatim and they are very different sonically. In all our comparison tests the Verbatim come out on top.

One reason for this has been put down to the termination process used by the competitor. The Verbatim cable is very carefully wrapped/folded at each cable each so that the foil can be terminated direct to the plug/spade. The competitor uses a technique of soldering the foil to a reducing conductive material so it can be terminated to the plug/spade.


Thats great news.

It means you can get the same effect just by buying some alphacore and putting the plugs on slightly differently!

wadia-miester said:
He could roll em :D quite a few others do ;)

does he roll em to pass the time when he's making the cables?

and do you? ...and if not, why not? :D

Here's some alphacore with a twist...

Absoultely not Chris, totally different construction, rolling not required, also Towshend merely uses an air dielectric and thats G1/2 thats been to Mr Bartlet.
Tara labs RSC is strangely similar as well ;) , they used that in the Meadowlarks, so intsant upgrade begging to happen their then :)

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