CD lathe and BLACK CDRs

TonyL said:
I'm utterly amazed that the post by Tones, a person who tends to understand such things, on the original lathe thread has been overlooked / ignored by so many. To paraphrase Tones: if you hack the edge off a CD you stand a very good chance of exposing the contents to the atmosphere. If this happens the aluminium goodness within will oxidise over time and you will have a worthless unplayable CD, i.e. to lathe may be to buy twice.

I've seen many idiot products aimed at audiophiles in my time, but very few possibly capable of destroying an expensive music collection. Tread very carefully. One thing is certain - you won't be doing it to any of mine!


Not to decry tones......but he is unable to hear the differences between IC's What makes you think that his view is any more valid than the next person especially as he can't hear the difference between lathed and unlathed ?

Not to go over old ground but the majority of kit that I've tried two duplicate discs in [one lathed one not] have all made a clear difference. On one occasion the owner could not hear the difference at first ...but after going back to the unlathed cd after a couple of hours he felt the lathed disc had more life and scale ..the unlathed disc being rather flat and lifeless [in a musical sense]

We tried a cheese grater but the greasy marks made the laser skip though once the disc had been smeared with blue stilton it was completely unplayable.
zanash said:
Not to decry tones......but he is unable to hear the differences between IC's What makes you think that his view is any more valid than the next person especially as he can't hear the difference between lathed and unlathed ?

Tones' hearing alleged differences or not has no impact whatsoever on his detailed understanding of materials and the manufacturing process of CDs.

Last night I tried lathing a mince pie. It was tricky, but I managed it. Then I went around the edge of the crust with a black marker. After several tastes i can report that there was absolutely no discernable difference in quality between thelathed mince pie and the original. So I can agree with you sceptics that this lathe doesn't work on everything. There was sufficient crust on the outer edge so as not to damage the contents. Merry Xmas.
I tried the lathe on my brain and I am definitely thinking more sharply now... ;)
zanash said:
Not to decry tones......but he is unable to hear the differences between IC's What makes you think that his view is any more valid than the next person especially as he can't hear the difference between lathed and unlathed ?
As Tony says, this is really irrelevant. Tones was pointing out how the life of the CD may be shortened drastically after lathing.
I think these types of tweeks need to be looked at from the outside.

If jo bloggs was to come round your house and see your expensive hifi he might think, 'wow expensive hifi I bet that sounds great' If you were to then pull out a lathe and start trimming cds, he might very well back up carefully to the door.
Please your selves skin of my nose that you can hear things ...but don't tell me that I'm not hearing them.

Tones has had a long series of pm with me I'm certain that he wont mind me saying ......

His over all view is that he can't hear differences between Ic's ask yourself

Now if you can hear the difference between wires, does that lead you to trust his speculation on other matters ?

To mis quote an old saying ...
Me thinks you protest to much

Ah.... garyi

so you've heard a lathed cd have you or are you talking from a none hands on position ?

I have a number of dubious duplicate discs kindly donated by a member of the forum ....

Why not pm me and I'll post one lathed and one unlathed...

you can then speak from a position of experience

There is a catch you will need to make a charitable donation to the MS society [details will be provided]
If there is a POSSIBLE issue over lathed disc longevity, isn'' the thing to do to replicate discs for lathing......then you still have the origional?

There is no doubt (for me anyway)it works on my system.


That's fine David. No issues at all with this but to simply dismiss Tones' view about lathed disc's longevity because he can't hear any differences between tweaks is blinkered.

BTW, I am not commenting on either the longevity or any claimed improvements in sound, since I don't know enough about the former and can't comment on the latter because I've not tried it. I'm merely pointing out that what Tones was saying was unrelated to the improvements in the sound.
Zanash what are you on about.

I just clearly stated that I do not want friends and non audiophiles to look at me like I am a nutter, so even if a lathed CD sounds like the effing bees knees I am still not interested.

But its fun to watch.
Dev said:
but to simply dismiss Tones' view about lathed disc's longevity because he can't hear any differences between tweaks is blinkered.


Sorry, i suspect i'm not quite up to speed with this discussion; can someone put an expected lifespan on a lathed, duplicated cd?

For my money, if I can get 10 years better sound quality off a cd, i'll run with that.

Could well be they aren't affected at all, we don't know. But I am now finding - see start of the thread, that a CD burnt on to a black lathed CDR goes the further mile in quality - so no risk though of course you have to burn a copy.
larkrise said:
that a CD burnt on to a black lathed CDR goes the further mile in quality - so no risk though of course you have to burn a copy.

.....would this be due to the colour (fewer reflections etc) or a specific make?

DavidF said:
Dev said:
but to simply dismiss Tones' view about lathed disc's longevity because he can't hear any differences between tweaks is blinkered.


Sorry, i suspect i'm not quite up to speed with this discussion; can someone put an expected lifespan on a lathed, duplicated cd?

For my money, if I can get 10 years better sound quality off a cd, i'll run with that.


I suppose people looking at this may have a large and valuable cd collection that they can ill afford to replace.

I certainly am still listening to cd's I bought before 1996.

It's a valid concern, and one I'm glad Tones has brought into light for people to think about.

As dev says, this should be looked at seperately to whether you like/dislike a change that you can/cannot hear (delete as appropriate).

I would never tell anybody else what they can/cannot hear or should/should not buy - it's just good to have relevant concerns highlighted.
Black CDs are so 2006.

I forecast orange CDs will be big in '07! I've tried one; they sound a little more fruity.

I suppose people looking at this may have a large and valuable cd collection that they can ill afford to replace.

Exactly. I'm also a record dealer. I'd no more buy a lathed CD than I would a cracked record. I'm actually interested in seeing one so I can identify and reject any I should come across in the future. I would never knowingly sell someone a CD damaged in this way.

DavidF said:
.....would this be due to the colour (fewer reflections etc) or a specific make?

Yep - that's the theory it's laser light deflection

but if Orange is next years colour then fine - don't know they'll sound better though!

I used to have this sort of negativity when convincing our Coven that Goat's Blood is far better in sacrificial rituals, ALWAYS negative from folk who hadn't actually tried the Goats Blood Ritual!

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