CD lathe and BLACK CDRs

larkrise said:
if Orange is next years colour then fine - don't know they'll sound better though!

I used to have this sort of negativity when convincing our Coven that Goat's Blood is far better in sacrificial rituals, ALWAYS negative from folk who hadn't actually tried the Goats Blood Ritual!

well put that man....
mosfet said:
Black CDs are so 2006.

I forecast orange CDs will be big in '07! I've tried one; they sound a little more fruity.

Perhaps by 2008 you will come up with something more productive in your posts.
Jimbo said:
Perhaps by 2008 you will come up with something more productive in your posts.

Yeah, down with all humorous posts....up with repetitive arguments;) .

I must point out though that I bought some orange CD's from Argos about 7 years ago, but then fashions soon come around again :D .
Not exactly new news bottleneck, Although I must admit I owuld like one of those CDburner inscriber thingies.
yes they do work mate.

your cd just passes underneath the inkjet/laser and gets printed on with the graphics that you've chosen.

not new I know, but then hifi isn't exactly a ground breaking topic :)
No I am on about the actual CD burner. They have ones now that inscribe onto the other side as well images and text of your choice. I wants me one.

They do work. A CD goes in blank and comes out with a picture on. This is measurable.

Trimming the edges of CDs seems a bit silly.
I think I saw one Gary... they're about a grand aren't they?

Brilliant!! (I want one too!!) but an ink jeted CD (with permanent ink) is about £100...

Larkrise - sorry - missed the irony. Forums do that :)
larkrise said:
I once read that black CDR copies are better than the originals. Must be BLACK. For some while I have been meaning to try this, so I did today with very very interesting results. . . . basically it works. I got a pack of 100 black CDRs for £20 - should keep me going.


Thats a good price! Where did you get them from please?

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