CD tranports

wadia-miester said:
Something else for Andrew

"In the test results displayed on the Benchmark website, the Jitter amount used as a test signal is varied. However, the Jitter amount which comes from a slaved CD player is constant. What's not mentioned about the "UltraLock" asynchronous resampling is: the compromise of running two clocks in tandem is that there are unpleasant audible artifacts due to inevitable frequency discrepancies between the two clocks involved."

Your unattributed quote is incorrect. The three jitter graphs do not all use a slaved CD player, nor do they use jitter of constant amplitude and frequency, as you will see if you download the full manual from the website. You will however notice that the engineers at Benchmark are quite poor at spelling, for which I am inclined to forgive them since they are very good at building DACs.

Also there are no "unpleasant audible artifacts" in my ears. There may be inaudible and unmeasurably small artifacts though...

Hi guys

One for Wadia-Meister

sorry to jump in like this but I have a Wadia 8 and monarchy audio 22c DAC they're doing a good job but I want to upgrade the clock in the Wadia 8 is it expensive, who could do it and sonically is it worth it?
I've contacted Wadia but no joy.

Andrew, the quote is from Less loss sir :)

Personally I find the Benchmark lacking in a few areas, yet it is fairly priced in the US and is quite tweakable to, However an equal number I'm sure find it good. Its a case fro me of had the T-shirt/dvd & next one please. Nothing more. I also had an evo board for the dac and no vol control either, so I know how it preformed on its todd too.


Any idea when the transport was last serviced?
To change the clock, requires removal of the whole bottom and sides LOL, yes it is very worth while, also consider uprating the 5v supply to the digital output board. While your in there, you may as well fit a seperate psu for the Clock, this further enhances the upgrade.
People to try are Trichord/Lc Audio/Audiocom/ oh and one other company, name eludes me now. Wm
wadia-miester said:
Andrew, the quote is from Less loss sir :)

Personally I find the Benchmark lacking in a few areas, yet it is fairly priced in the US and is quite tweakable to, However an equal number I'm sure find it good. Its a case fro me of had the T-shirt/dvd & next one please. Nothing more. I also had an evo board for the dac and no vol control either, so I know how it preformed on its todd too.


Any idea when the transport was last serviced?
To change the clock, requires removal of the whole bottom and sides LOL, yes it is very worth while, also consider uprating the 5v supply to the digital output board. While your in there, you may as well fit a seperate psu for the Clock, this further enhances the upgrade.
People to try are Trichord/Lc Audio/Audiocom/ oh and one other company, name eludes me now. Wm


No idea re tha last service, bought it about a year ago as an upgrade from a pioneer can't remember the model number. I bought a monarchy audio 24/96 dip which was to reduce jitter. Guess i would be better doing the improvements than trying to buy a new transport, how much would I be looking at if I decided to buy another transport route and what models would you advise if I went down that route.


The Wadia 8 is a decent transport and more than holds it own against a lot of new stuff, can be made to sing rather well. If you wish to discuss thing I would be greatful of a PM please. Wm
Would I be better hotrodding my copland cda288 (VDRS) and/or adding an external dac (MFv3?) or just getting something like quads cdp99?
I'd be very surprised if the quad was better, not impressed with M'F dacs at all (Have owned 2 the 3/24 and the trivista), however you do like your music softish don't you, quad amps and 988/9's I would seriously listen to an Audio Areo Capital can be had for around the £2k mark these days, I feel you would appriecate it lush and analogue presenation.
Thinking about maybe demo a trivista Dac or Belcanto dac 2. Wm
So is the copland worth spending the money on, clock, nc psu, caps and op amps? I do like its presentation just feel it could do with being a bit livelier. After only just spending ££'s on the QC24/II40's I can't spend lots £500max to upgrade or £1k replacement.
I will be interested to hear the NOS and Superdac in my system at the bake-off I'm hosting this month. I have heared the Art DI/O with the copland which was a step in the right direction if not perfect.

If it was me personally, I would mod the Copland (though I prefer quite a different presentation to you, however I would audition some dacs, see what you feel, and how it sits in your system sir.
Though I wouldn't make any snap decisions, thats how I got lumbered with the dac 64 a few years, give them a good week each before moving opn to another one. Wm

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