CD v Vinyl - My preference.

Make it 2 bottles Smirnoff black, a squardon of blue curtains, yep pretty convinced I could on at least 3 systems I know that use a cd player ;)
You got my style spot on by the way :eek: how ever did you guess :D
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Make it 2 bottles Smirnoff black, a squardon of blue curtains, yep pretty convinced I could on at least 3 systems I know that use a cd player ;)
You got my style spot on by the way :eek: how ever did you guess :D

With 2 bottles of Smirnoff Black, I might just about be able to tell the changing pitch of the ambulance siren as it carred me to hospital...
Originally posted by wadia-miester
You stick to polish spud juice then, I need some coherience to polish my turds :D

See comparison on previous page, then 'ave a listen to the Deep Purple SACD:D
Outstanding wordsmithery Merlin :), I'll stick to polising turds, you stick to swopping kit, more then the cargo hold of P&O X-channel ferry on the Dover run
SACD for lovers of all things nice & cosey, you'll be asking Lilolee round next for slipper warming & pipe smoking etiquite lessons.
At least the M sounds almost as good as it looks

Honest Tone's

1000-1 Merlin keeps a bit of kit longer than 3 weeks and LIKES it.
250-1 Merlin secretly likes it but wont admit it (bad hifi cred) 2 weeks +
100-1 Merlin Likes said piece of gear, looks cool, but doesn't have current 'In Vouge' factor
50-1 Merlin loves said piece but can't cut a sweet deal, all distributors are crooks & hand crankers
20-1 Has initial cor factor, enthuises wildly for 3 days then reality sinks in, and it becomes naff
10-1 Great style Iconery :D but sounds dire
5-1 Hifi for sale does a brisk trade in adverts starting with a home counties phone number
2-1 Mentioned in passing , then later redirected to the trailing vendor
Evans said piece of new kit gets compared to a dac 20.

Just passing time til a more suitable topic arises, coeffiency of linear expansion anyone
Outstanding Tone:D

I'll take the 10-1 option I think. Now if you could only leave some of that American Heavy Metal alone without swapping parts and cables for 24 hours, then we'd both be reformed characters;)

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